Tell Me You Love Me

Allison Maralee Perry
Published in
1 min readMar 9, 2018

Sometimes in order to truly understand a song, you have to watch the music video, because when visuals, and sometimes even dialogue are added, the story deepens. One song that falls under this is Tell Me You Love Me by Demi Lovato.

The first time I heard this song I thought, wow, this is a very unhealthy relationship. The song is about needing to be loved, and not truly being someone unless someone else loves you. The music video also shows us an unhealthy relationship between a couple who are both very jealous and insecure. They get engaged, and even after all the fights, and arguments, they make it to the wedding day.

When just listening to the song it is unclear who the ending is about. She says “everything I need / is standing right in front of me / I know that we will be alright.” When first listening to the song I thought she was saying we’re going to be alright, I need you so it doesn’t matter. However, the music video shows her standing in the mirror saying these things to herself. She comes to the realization that she doesn’t need another person to make her worthy. She only needs herself.

In a world where we are so often led to believe that without a lover we are nothing, the message this music video gives is a great message. However, I wish that the end would have been a little more lasting, and that message would have been given earlier.

