adrian hurst
2 min readOct 29, 2014


Ephesians 6:18–22 “In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.

And don’t forget to pray for me. Pray that I’ll know what to say and have the courage to say it at the right time, telling the mystery to one and all, the Message that I, jailbird preacher that I am, am responsible for getting out.

Tychicus, my good friend here, will tell you what I’m doing and how things are going with me. He is certainly a dependable servant of the Master! I’ve sent him not only to tell you about us but to cheer you on in your faith. (The Message)


When meeting someone for the first time, I love the moment when you discover a shared interest, experience or friend. In that moment suddenly the gulf between you as strangers is bridged…connected…and in doing so it brings us closer and the world seems smaller.

Paul draws our attention to two connection we now enjoy through centreing our lives on Jesus…connections, that cause the world to seem smaller and comfort that we are not alone. We are connected to…


…others who have centred their lives on Jesus

In being connected to God, Paul reminds us of the privilege and value of prayer, of talking to God. That our connection with God means we can entrust things to Him and ask things from Him as we face any and every situation. We don’t need to go it alone, any and every situation grows smaller as we involve the infinite ability of God.

In being connected to others who have centred their lives on Jesus we are reminded that we are not alone, we get to live interdependently with others. Seeking to look out for one another, as we…

…give and receive encouragement

…serve one another

…pray for one another

Paul wants us to live knowing our lives centred on Jesus, are lives that are connected…connected to God…connected to others…which is a source of joy that we are not alone and hope that we have one who can bridge any gap.

PAUSE…We are connected

Questions to ask yourself:

How can I live today enjoying my connection with God?

What does it mean for me to look out for others today or for others to look out for me?



adrian hurst

alive in birmingham...married to an amazing woman...three fantastic children...using what I have to make a difference