1 John 5.2

Nick Keune
Exhortations from 1 John
2 min readNov 5, 2020

v 2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.

Knowing the love of God to find his wayward creation and regenerate them into his image, adopting them as sons and daughters by his Son Jesus Christ, the believer knows how important it is that he likewise love the children of God. Here the believers are looking beyond the foundation, which is repenting of disbelief in the Son of God and in turn carrying out his commands, that we live in him and he in us (4.13). Here we ask again: what is it for God to live in the believer, and the believer to live as in him? For God who is love, and has so loved his creation that he sent his only Son to die as purchase price for the salvation of the world, to do God’s will and carry forth his message is to love the children of God, both by the adherence to the guidance and commands which are unnatural to man but are the natural Word of our God who is righteous and loving, and by loving God who by this relationship of love raises man above his fallen state of hatred and fear into a more perfect self which, in fellowship with God, shares fearlessly of the depths of love provided by God for all of his children. God’s Truths all believers know because we know the love of God revealed in his Son Jesus Christ coming in the flesh. But how we know that we are in turn loving others, and thus bringing others into the sublimating and transformative relationship with God is by our action to bring forward his Word in our lives. By our very actions of love, by our very actions to in our freedom chose to obey his Authority, we are Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us that in our elevated state of reconciliation with God, others would be called to see in our love his message of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5.19–20). Carrying this message forward is how believers see and provide worldly effects that they are showing love for the children of God, and likewise, how their love of God and their obedience to God’s commands are expressed in the flesh as testament to the reconciliation of the Spirit that God has worked by his miracle of love. The change to something greater causes such ripples and effects in the flesh, testifying to the miraculous change which can no longer be hidden: it is revealed by the working of the miracle of God, which no man may oppose, and declares that obedience in love is both proclamation of the Word (confession of the gospel of Christ) and living by the Word which accompanies this proclamation with generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else (2 Corinthians 9.13).



Nick Keune
Exhortations from 1 John

This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God