✨Team highlight: welcome Prateek!

A conversation with CommerceBear’s newest Ops wiz.

Will Staunton
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2020


The Operations team is gaining strength here at CommerceBear, as we gain a new and experienced hand in Prateek Sethi!

Prateek brings years of operations experience working in high-growth technology companies. As the newest face on the team (you’re old news now, Cam!), Prateek’s specialty is translating data into insight, a skill he honed as a Senior Shift Lead at Foodora.

We sat down with Prateek to learn a little more about him.

What are you most excited about as you join the Bear team?
Something I always look forward to is being surrounded by smart minds. I am exhilarated to work with and learn from the experts in the industry.

How do you create efficiency?
Keep optimizing and strive to build something better everyday. There is always a room for improvement.

What are you most proud of building?
I wouldn’t single out something but was lucky to be involved in process designing for a good number of e-commerce giants. Most of them did great and the ones which didn’t, taught me a lot.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give new analysts?
It’s okay to go with your gut, but always back it up with the numbers.

“It’s okay to go with your gut, but always back it up with the numbers.”

What’s your favorite ecommerce marketplace?
Goat.com or StockX.com. I am very fond of sneakers and usually keep these sites pinned.

What’s your favorite article of furniture?
A good office chair. I realized its value when I started working remotely.

What do you do in your down time?
A game of FIFA or a round of beer with friends. I also watch a lot of travel vlogs and make travel plans but then never really go.

Welcome to the team, Prateek!

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Will Staunton

Content Editor at CommerceBear | Hat-wearer extraordinaire (not pictured).