Social Media Commerce Solution: Integration with Facebook

Sell Your Products Directly Through Your Facebook Page

Luciano Giavedoni
2 min readJun 15, 2017

Numerous studies have reported that Facebook is the number one place shoppers go to follow their favorite brands over any other social network. So rather than using your Facebook page just for brand discovery, why not start selling directly on it?

We are pleased to announce that our social media commerce connecter is now integrated with Facebook, allowing you to complete transactions and offer special discounts directly on your page. Setting up the integration is very simple — In fact, we made a quick video to show you exactly what to do:

The Facebook integration works by syncing with your commercetools product data, stored in one catalog. You actually don’t even need a web store as a foundation. Once sync’d, your Facebook store will look something like this:

Now your products contain relevant information to users of Facebook such as product title, price, and a link to buy the product on your website if you have one.

By using the channel concept in commercetools, you can also define pricing, promotions and stock levels that only apply to Facebook. For example, you can set up the promotion below only in your Facebook store, so if a customer was to go to the same product on your website they would not see this discount:

Once your Facebook store has been set up, there are two options for customer checkout:
1. Your customers can check out within Facebook. With this option, they
never need to leave your page.
2. You can send customers to complete checkout on your brand website. With this option, when a customer clicks “Buy Now!”, they are redirected to the checkout page on your website, not the product page or the homepage.

We are always working hard to bring commerce everywhere, and with our API-first structure, we are able to do so with less complexity and more flexibility and speed. We hope to continue showing just how powerful the commercetools platform is for omnichannel brands and retailers.

