Don't be Scared

Dianne Taylor
The Commercial Real Estate Daily
1 min readJan 16, 2016

Have you ever considered buying a home, but buying without using your “stash of cash”? I’m talking about buying with the other “M” word, Mortgage. Does the other “M” word seem scary? Don’t be scared. Do not become so intimidated that you decide to continue renting instead. Do your homework,compare loans based on your lifestyle and needs. For example, mortgage insurance can be avoided in most cases, even if your down payment is less than 20%.

There are also new programs coming on the market, on a consistent basis. These programs are designed to make home ownership, and the ownership process, less daunting… Not scary. There is a lot of information in the mortgage process, no doubt, but getting the opportunity to stick your fingers, and or toes, in your own grass, rocks or dirt, is sometimes worth it.

Talk to a patient and knowledgeable, licensed Mortgage lender…

