Hyper Local Commercial Real Estate. Delivery and Logistics.

Commercial Real Estate
2 min readMay 6, 2014


Delivery and Logistics?

“You have got to be kidding me” that’s what you are thinking right?

What in the hell does that have to do with hyper local commercial real estate?

Delivery or the act of bringing a product to a client/consumer is what we do everyday and not very well at all.

We are missing a great opportunity. It’s right in front of us and it’s basically free.

You know the drill.

Listing. Listing input into database. Listing downloaded and pushed out to”authorised” platforms. Email blast. Email blast again. Drop some flyers. Make a few calls. Then wait and hope.

Out of the blue get an actual call. Turn it into an actual transaction. Work on it six months. Get paid….maybe.


Let’s try this again shall we?

Listing. Define the listing location by its data set.

Integrate that local data with hyper local data sets.

Start collaboration with other hyper local data providers. What are those platforms again? Hint: click here and here.

Interact within the community. Did I mention platforms?

Create an active transparent conversation about the location.

Find an active willing and able user. Start a transaction.

Now stop. Don’t get in a hurry. Go back and reread. Think for a minute. Not a “holy shit” moment? <><><><><><>

Logistics or management of the transaction.

Seems like a simple task. It’s what we have always done. Manage the transaction.

Technology has simplified the process of the transaction.

Technology or the data and technology to manage the transaction has changed.

Technology has changed the way the data and transaction is analysed.

Technology and data has not taken the management or the transaction itself out of the brokers hands.

Did you just let out a sigh?

Technology allows the transaction to be in real-time.

Technology allows the transaction to be in real-time and be in an environment that demands collaboration.

Technology allows the transaction to become decentralised.

The decentralised transaction and management of the transaction then becomes more valuable.

Hyper Local Commercial Real Estate. Delivery and Logistics.

