Hyperlocal Commercial Real Estate. Real Time Commercial Real Estate.

Commercial Real Estate
2 min readMay 6, 2014


Real Time Retail Commercial Real Estate.

It’s dynamic.

It’s the future of commercial real estate.

It will save us all.

It’s dead.

It’s faces the consumer it has to.

It is getting hammered by the online giants.

It must adapt or die.

Retail commercial real estate is all the above and then some.

Interaction Real Time.

If you want to strategically define hyper local commercial real estate look no further than the retail commercial real estate experience.

If you want to define hyper local retail commercial real estate there are two basics that apply.

Mobile and Search.

When you think of mobile and search for retail commercial real estate you think Google and maps. The client/user/consumer does not.

According to a recent comScore study, more than 113 million consumers used a mobile device to search locally in December, 2012. This is a dramatic shift in behavior and attention from just a couple years ago. Simultaneously, local search is now being influenced by social connections on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Instagram, and Google+. Local search is quickly becoming a social activity.

Oh no not “social media” platforms and commercial real estate. Ready to click off? Just lost all of your attention? Stay with me.

If searching for retail commercial real estate or commercial real estate is a mobile and social activity where are the clients/users going to search from? It has to be Social Platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Foursquare.etc.

Commercial real estate reality. Don’t like it? Want to deny it? Can’t begin to grasp it? This is a good thing. Still not convinced? Let me help.

There is a tremendous value of local and mobile search that goes way beyond the basic act of finding a location. The social aspect of search is important because it becomes a “social amplifier”. Likes check-ins status updates photos videos recommendations are all types of engagements that create a new “value” and dare I say new data set to the commercial real estate location.

Want to see a real world example of how this works? Look no further than….

Atlantic Station in Atlanta Georgia.







Take the time and really look. Go back and look I said. Are you seeing the point yet? Hint: It’s the content.

Just look at the quality of the content. Look at the value they are creating for the potential clients/users.

Look at how the use of the content creates interaction.

They have defined a location and made it interactive.

They have made a location define itself by data.

They have made a location define itself by conversations and intereaction.

They have made a hyper local commercial real estate location real time commercial real estate.

