Multiple input vulnerability bug vs Commercium Founder and Lead Developer, Anthony Clark

Commercium (CMM)
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2018

While some crypto teams continue troubleshooting, and attempting a resolution to the Multiple Input Vulnerability bug, one crypto-currency, Commercium (ticker — CMM), has been able to launch and deploy a patch in under 90 minutes for their users and exchange partners.

The timeline and actions towards creating a patch have been unprecedented and amongst the fastest by a single developer-founder in the cryptocurrency space. It also has been immediately confirmed that all existing Commercium coins are safe.

Anthony, Commercium’s lead developer has single-handedly patched the bug, built and compiled new binaries, liaised with exchanges, all to ensure that both, the network and consumers, are protected from any current and future risks. All this was done on a computer purchased while on a well-deserved break for some R&R. A formidable developer nonetheless interrupting his break to deliver solutions in under 90 mins while others take days or weeks. His attitude towards the bug was seen as if he was merely swatting a fly or mosquito away.

Commercium lead developer has embarked on building a dual blockchain crypto-currency since first launching Commercium. The first coin to attempt this with a thorough plan that compliments Bitcoin as an electronic cash system.

Commercium is purpose built to provide a series of services via its dual chain architecture. One such service is aimed at disrupting the current Masternode model system; through a new and refreshing method called Apostilles. More details can be discovered via the Commercium white paper.

We eagerly await the release of the new chain, Commercium X (CMMX) and the future disruption from Commercium within the disruptive environment of the emerging Cryptographic Currency sector.

For any media enquiries please contact Ryan on ryan[at]

