Why mine/buy/hodl CMM?

Commercium (CMM)
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2018

We’ve put together a short presentation to give you that little extra push to mine, buy and hodl Commercium.

White Paper Link

Discord Link

Ready to buy/mine? Great!


Crex24: https://crex24.com/fr/exchange/CMM-BTC

Crypto-Bridge: https://wallet.crypto-bridge.org/market/BRIDGE.CMM_BRIDGE.BTC

Safe-Trade: https://safe.trade/trading/cmmsafe

How to Mine CMM Guides:

Medium How-To Guides: https://medium.com/commercium-guides

We are a friendly bunch, so if you’d like to speak to one of our team members about Commercium feel free to contact us via one of our media channels (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram).

