Coronavirus and health insurance

In general, comprehensive health insurance plans will cover treatment for coronavirus just like any other illness. That’s because health insurers must cover treatment if it’s considered medically necessary.

Commissioner Kreidler instructed health insurers to waive copays and deductibles for people needing testing for novel coronavirus, COVID-19.

TVW — Governor Inslee Media Availability with Commissioner Kreidler on Washington response to coronavirus

Who can get tested for COVID-19?

Also, health plans cannot require pre-authorization for testing or treatment of coronavirus, must allow you to get an early refill of most prescriptions and if they don’t have enough providers to meet demand, you can see an out-of-network provider for testing and treatment at no extra cost.

His emergency order applies to individual health plans, small and large employer health plans and short-term limited duration medical plans and is in effect from March 5 to May 4, 2020. It does not apply large employer health plans that self-insure. Check with your employer’s HR department if you’re not sure what type of health plan you have.

If you participate in a health sharing ministry, you may need to check your coverage first. These types of health coverage do not provide the same level of benefits as comprehensive health insurance plans and may not cover all services, such as lab work.

Learn more about health insurance and coverage for coronavirus. Track what Washington state is doing to prepare for the coronavirus, COVID-19.

Answers to frequently asked questions about coronavirus from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

How to prepare for coronavirus in the U.S.

And remember to wash you hands — a lot, for at least 20 seconds.

An image of someone washing their hands
LA Times — Sick of singing ‘Happy Birthday’ while washing hands to fight coronavirus? Try these pop hits instead



WA State Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Commissioner’s Eye on Insurance

Washington state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler regulates the insurance industry and protects insurance consumers.