New: Dashboard search

Dan Dingman
Commit Swimming
Published in
4 min readJan 1, 2019

We just added a new feature in Commit Swimming that makes it easier to take an athlete-centric approach to track training. Until now, in Commit, the training dashboard was mainly a place to view your team’s training in aggregate:

However, a common situation is when you (the coach) wants to pull up a specific swimmer to look at his or her training history. This swimmer’s training stats should be based on their attendance history and what groups they swam with at each practice.

So, we added a way to make viewing the swim workout history for a particular swimmer simple and powerful.

To pull up a swimmer’s individual training dashboard, simply…

Nervous it won’t be easy to use?

Stop being nervous and just try it!

Use this workout training data

Individualized training data is something that you can’t get very easily from your notes. Usually, you have a record of your team’s training (in a notebook) and a record of your team’s attendance (in the same or a different notebook). Maybe you even noted which swimmers swam in what lanes/ groups each day at practice. However, if you were to try to combine these 3 pieces of information to create a cohesive picture of a particular athlete’s training history, it would be virtually impossible!

With Commit, this individualized training data is at your fingertips with just a simple search for the swimmer you are interested in. There are so many ways to use this information to take your team to the next level. Here are 2 ways we thought of to get started using the new athlete training history feature in Commit… (both can be very beneficial to your swimmers’ progression)

It is now easier than ever to use this data during individual swimmer meetings. Simply pull up that swimmer’s training history on Commit and talk through the training they have done. At all levels of swimming, we’ve seen this data be used to increase a swimmer’s confidence heading into a new season or a championship meet. Visually looking at the hard work that has gone into a season or career can be a massive ego boost for a swimmer. And we all know that confidence leads to mental toughness which leads to personal breakthroughs in the pool.

One interesting use case that we have heard from some club and high school teams, is to use this individual training data during college recruiting. It can be really helpful for college coaches to understand an athlete’s current training history. And, this new tool in Commit gives coaches a way to share training information with other coaches.

There are so many other use cases for the new individualized training search, and it’s up to you to be creative and use this to improve your team’s performance!

Okay — So how do I try it?

If you are a swim coach and don’t know what Commit is or haven’t looked at Commit in a while, go to and click “Try it Now”. It’s free to try and no credit card required. With your trial, you get swimming’s #1 workout manager on all of your devices. This state of the art software is built specifically for swim coaches and comes with 24/7 first class customer support.

Commit Swimming

puts you, the coach, in control. Save more time writing workouts with Commit. Say goodbye to notebooks and clunky software.

