New in Commit: Archive Teams and Folders

Dan Dingman
Commit Swimming
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2018

Now that there are thousands of users who have been working with Commit Swimming for several years, we have heard lots of requests related to making “starting a new season” more intuitive in Commit. So… we did!

We did two things to solve this problem

1. Ability to archive Teams

2. Ability to archive Folders

In Commit, how you organize your teams, groups, and workouts is largely up to you. Two of the main ways coaching staffs use Commit to organize their seasons are with Teams and Folders. What we found was, it was frustrating to have last year’s workouts, swimmers, and folders all front and center inside your Commit account, when all you wanted to do was start fresh for the new season.

But — wait a minute! “I don’t want to delete everything! I just want it there but hidden in the background where I can get to it when I want to.”

Ready to give it a shot? Begin your free trial and start saving time today!

Introducing Archiving

We decided the least invasive way to solve this problem for coaching staffs, was to introduce archiving. Now in Commit, you can archive both teams and folders. What this does, is put those teams, folders, and workouts all hidden from the main views of the app. But, the data is all still there. Using the search functionality in Commit, you can pull up practices from archived teams. You can also restore old folders or teams! So nothing is ever “gone”.

How it Works for Folders

1. View Folders

2. Click “edit” then “archive”

3. To restore, click “restore”

Okay — So how do I try it?

If you are a swim coach and don’t know what Commit is or haven’t looked at Commit in a while, go to and click “Try it Now”. It’s free to try and no credit card required. With your trial you get swimming’s #1 workout manager on all of your devices. This state of the art software is built specifically for swim coaches and comes with 24/7 first class customer support.

Commit Swimming puts you, the coach, in control. Save more time writing workouts with Commit. Say goodbye to notebooks and clunky software.

Contact us anytime at You can also follow us on Facebook, on Twitter, or right here!

Originally published at on December 5, 2018.

