Why is everyone using Commit Swimming?

Dan Dingman
Commit Swimming
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2016

It’s critical that you organize and track your workouts as a coach. Over the past 15 months, Commit Swimming has become the workout journal of choice for coaches around the world. Paper log books are a thing of the past. And, other software options simply consume too much of your valuable time. After you write your first workout with Commit, you will realize why thousands of coaches around the world have made the same choice.

Why is Commit such a big hit?

  1. It’s a time saver not a time taker. Commit is extremely easy to use. Gone are the days of flipping through old workout binders to find a set.
  2. Commit evolves through time. The product is not static. When Commit launched 15 months ago, coaches gave feedback, and we listened.
  3. #1 customer service. There is a reason that 98% of Commit’s customers stay customers month after month. We are here for you 24/7/365. Email us at founders@commitanalytics.com any time.
  4. Free athlete log book. With Commit, there is a free version available for your athletes. They will be more focused and engaged day in and day out because of their new digital workout journal.
  5. Commit is affordable. At $8 per month, Commit is the same price as a few cups of coffee.

Don’t be this guy…

Originally published at http://wow.commitswimming.com on December 15, 2016.

