3 Sure-Fire Ways to Nail (or Tank) Your Relationship with Consultants

Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2021


Insurgent Tip by COMMON

Here’s our hot take for the day: the most important thing to the success of your business is not your products or your services. It’s your relationships. More specifically, your relationships with the people who make your products/services possible.To quote our friend Bud Caddell, “Business, any business, is just the commercialization of human relationships.”

If you’re not paying as much attention to your relationships as you pay to the nuts and bolts of building your product, then it’s time to take a beat and look around. In fact, stop reading this Insurgent Tip and go read Bud’s thoughts on company culture instead.

If you’re still here, and you’re already committed to your people, we want to introduce another variable. The work you do to build your company culture and support the people within your business should also ripple outward — to customers, of course, but also to consultants.

The time will come (if it hasn’t already) when taking the next step toward your vision will mean bringing in an outside expert to help grow, increase revenue or overcome a challenge. To make the most of those collaborations, you will need to hold yourself to the same high standards in your relationships with consultants.




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