Challenges are Far Better Met in Community

Published in
3 min readMay 23, 2021


Insurgent Tip by COMMON

Social entrepreneurship demands a lot of us as individuals. It takes immense drive and vision just to get started, and seeing things through requires even more grit and determination. While these sorts of individualistic qualities are essential for success, too much self-reliance is a recipe for disaster. Keeping a sharp mind and a positive attitude through the ups-and-downs of running a business requires help sometimes, and habitually trying to take on the world’s challenges alone leads to burnout and failure.

No matter how brilliant an idea is, its potential (and your own potential, for that matter) is restricted if you rely solely on your own mind and energy to execute it. Having a diverse, wide network of professionals is crucial to expanding ideas, increasing opportunities, and elevating your offering.

Here’s our tip for breaking down boundaries and broadening your horizons:

Insurgent tip: Challenges are far better met in community.

As humans we are limited by how much we can personally experience and accomplish. Tapping into the mind, body and soul of our networks expands…




A creative accelerator for social businesses and projects. We're working to build international excitement, conversation and action around entrepreneurialism