Stop Waiting for the World to Change

Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2021


Insurgent Tip by COMMON

This tip is for the entrepreneur struggling to get started. If you can’t find something to light your fire right now, you aren’t paying attention. With so many inequities and systemic flaws illuminated over the past year, we’ve learned over and over again that the system isn’t serving us. Somebody should do something about that and YOU are that someone. As entrepreneurs, we are an invaluable resource. We have the ability to get shit done.

We often find ourselves feeling helpless and hopeless in the face of these deep rooted issues. It is easy to get caught up in what we cannot do, what we cannot change. The most common roadblock to a successful social enterprise is imposter syndrome. You are not alone if you feel inexperienced or unequipped to take on the challenge.

Here’s our tip for becoming an agent of change.

Insurgent tip: Stop waiting for the world to change. YOU have the power within to transform it.

You are able to transform the world you see. Take a look around you- what doesn’t make sense, where the inequities are, where stereotypes are wrong- and find what angers you the most…




A creative accelerator for social businesses and projects. We're working to build international excitement, conversation and action around entrepreneurialism