Designing Ethics Kit

Common Good
Common Good Design
Published in
1 min readJun 15, 2018
A sneak peek of the Ethics Kit!

We’re excited to announce we have been working on a platform and set of best practice ethical tools for designers and researchers to use.

Working alongside Phil Hesketh to bring the vision to life, the project is already growing with community contributions from Co-op and Hyper Island.

Ethical design?

By ethical design we mean making sure that the changes you choose to make have a positive impact on all aspect of society.

Tools for Ethics?

Ethics Kit is a collection of methods and tools that support fast moving, human-centred design teams make considered, ethical decisions.

It will provide ways to embed the appropriate processes required to facilitate, design and develop products, services and experiences in an ethical fashion.


We’re offering early access to the beta toolkit in the next few weeks. We’ll be adding more tools as we go, but we’d love to hear feedback about the use and usability of the first version.

To join the mailing list for early access head to and sign up.



Common Good
Common Good Design

We are a strategic design studio. Connect with us @commgoodco