Photo Cred: Jordan McQueen @

Carpe DIEM*

Brendan Coady
Common Notes
Published in
1 min readApr 8, 2017


Seize the day.

A noble saying that inspires scenes of awakening with purpose and striving to make the most of the short time we have.

A command from the ether to be all that we were meant to be, and to treat the great journey of life as small, manageable steps.

A revised version:

Carpe D.I.E.M. (Does It Even Matter?)

This day you’re trying to seize — does anyone care?

Is there a purpose to this command from beyond?

What is it that you’re striving for? What it is that you’re capturing?

Seizing a day full of meetings and 9-to-5 may mean you’re efficient, but you’re not effective.

A seized day of clerical work and meaningless chasing your tail is forgettable.

Seize the “Does it even matter?”.

Seize the purpose for the day. Seize the reason that today is different than every day before it, and every day after. Seize the “why”.

Seize the opportunity to make a difference.

Next time an opportunity strikes, challenge yourself to seize the purpose behind. Challenge yourself to question the command — does it even matter?

And most importantly, seize the opportunity to put behind you the things that don’t.



Brendan Coady
Common Notes

Mechanical Designer. Hardware Enthusiast. VFC 2015 Alumni.