Brendan Coady
Common Notes
3 min readMay 10, 2018


Common Notes for Uncommon Folks: #5 of 2018, 27APR2018

I’ve been incredibly behind on sending these newsletters out. A lot of it has to do with fear. I’m afraid to publish something that isn’t worth reading, but the irony of course, is that it paralyzes me from publishing anything at all.

After a great catch-up call with Vicky (hi!!!! You da best) she asked about my newsletters and I said I’d been falling behind. She reminded me to just keep them short. Not because they haven’t been insightful, but because as a reader she’d rather read 1 page than 5.

What a relief. No one wants to read my exhaustive shpeels, and I don’t enjoy writing them. Perfect.

So from now on, let’s keep this short.

Things I’ve Been Reading, by length:

Skin in the Game by Nassim Taleb [~360 pages] (5/5)

Taleb has quickly become one of my favourite writers. Antifragile was a quake book for me — totally reshaped the way I view the world — and Skin in the Game was almost as good. As a final closing chapter, I loved every minute of it. It’s also caused a huge amount of controversy in my household between Emma and I after I read her the part about researchers not getting paid (pro tip: don’t tell your researcher girlfriend that). That either means I’m wildly off about the whole thing, or it’s worth talking about. Either way I’d recommend it. The first 3 chapters basically summarize the whole thing, but the last chapter on ergodicity is worth reading to the end for (although it’s quite technical).

The Playing Field — Graham Duncan [15 min read] (5/5)

I’ve been trying to read and digest this article for probably 6 months. I will probably keep it open in a tab on my computer for 6 months more. In one page, Duncan outlines the 5 levels of “The Game”, which if you extend the analogy, is really the process of becoming a master at life. Well worth the read. Which level are you on?

Why do all the planets orbit in the same plane? [7 min read] (4/5)

Probably way too nerdy for most of you, and kind of technical, but holy shit nature is cool. I have never thought about the implications of gravity on a dust cloud, but this simple explanation makes A TON of sense. This is why most planetary objects are discs and spheres, and I guess I’d thought about it, but never that critically. Pretty cool.

Also, what the hell is up with Mercury? Get on my level.

Project I’ve Been Working On:

Exercising and Morning Routines

I have really been sucking at morning routines lately. I’m really consistent at two of the most important ones: cuddling with Emma and drinking our coffee together as the day starts (aww). But in all seriousness, both of those are very important to me. We’ve been able to start the day intentionally due to the flexibility we have in our schedules, and it’s been awesome.

But yeah, exercise. What is that again?

Trying to get back into running/lifting weights/going to the gym at least once per week. Start small, but intentionally.

Something I’ve been watching:

Fourier Transforms [21-minutes] (4/5)

This is a 21-minute video about Fourier transforms, an obscure but amazingly powerful mathematical concept that applies to sound editing, frequency analysis, harmonic analysis, and uncertainty principles. It’s crazy technical and probably boring for 99% of the population, but it was one of the best videos I’ve ever watched on math.

Just for the lols [2-minutes] (2/5?)

I’m so sorry.

Something I’ve been listening to:

Crushing It (5/5)

I put a playlist together for running / working / kicking ass. You’re welcome.

Quote I’ve Been Pondering:

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” — Ernest Hemingway.



Brendan Coady
Common Notes

Mechanical Designer. Hardware Enthusiast. VFC 2015 Alumni.