Brendan Coady
Common Notes
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2018


Common Notes for Uncommon Folks: #6 of 2018, 12MAY2018

The beautiful weather in Toronto the last few weeks has sparked the beginnings of a garden on our tiny balcony. Emma collected some cilantro seeds as well as some sprouts of some kind, which both have been slowly growing and taking form. There are few signs of spring more recognizable than new sprouts. The tiny, fragile fragments of green poking through the dirt reminds me that this is a season for starting small and working your way up.

Emma’s in Portugal on a sisters’ trip this week, so I have the house to myself! (no pants!) I’m doing my best not to kill the tiny plants she’s left in my care.

I’ve been thinking a lot about starting small this week. I have been trying to do 3 or 4 small things every morning: make my bed, have my morning coffee, drink a protein shake, do my coding exercises, practice German on DuoLingo, and get outside as quick as I can. More importantly, I don’t beat myself up about missing a few from time to time.

Perhaps, most representative of the tiny sprouts reaching for more sunlight, I’ve been focusing on getting outside as much as possible. This 10–20 degree weather we’ve been having is my perfect temperature — I love it — all you need is a light sweater and a good pair of pants, not too hot, not too cold, perfect for running.

If last week was a rebirth, this week was finding solace and reinvigoration in starting small and getting outside.

What a beautiful life to live, when simply going out into the world is revitalizing.

I’m grateful for many things. You reading this is certainly one of them.

With humility,


Things I’ve Been Reading, by length:

Average is Over — Tyler Cowen [260 pages] (?/5)

I tried to read this book a few months ago, and to be honest, I loved it but I ran out of time on my hold at the library and had to return it (so sad!) It has been on my mind ever since, so I finally got a chance to take it out again. I’m not all the way through it yet, but here’s what I’ll say so far:

Terrible title. Awesome book.

I love Tyler Cowen’s thesis, and more importantly, I love how he’s not all doom-and-gloom about it. The world’s changing! We’re not all totally screwed, we just need to adapt. Here’s how we can manage the blow, even though it’s going to hurt.

Will comment more as I get through it.

Also, here’s a great summary from Farnam Street (probably just as good as the book)

The Power of a Digital Detox, Climate Change Terrifies Me So Here’s What I’m Doing About It [2x 5 min read] (4/5)

Oh Emily, you’re such an amazing person. Just trust me on this, and if you haven’t read these already, give them a go. Both these pieces sparked action in my life this week. Hopefully it does the same for you. Emily, please keep reminding us to demand better of ourselves in that caring tender way you’re capable of.

Michael Pollan’s 64 Food Rules [2 min read] (5/5)

64 Rules from Michael Pollan on eating better. I don’t follow all of them (especially the last one) but it’s a good starting point. What are your rules?

Project I’ve Been Working On:

Grasshopper Coding App (3/5)

I’ve tried to learn to code probably 20 times. It’s a bit of a struggle for me, and not something I adapt to naturally, but I can certainly think and solve problems like a programmer. An engineering background will beat that type of thinking into you, usually by submission. This app has been a lot of fun! Not super comprehensive, but as advertised, for beginners. It’s been a fun thing to do for 5 minutes every morning, and I can feel myself getting better already.

Wishing it was a little more comprehensive, but the challenges are light, fun and manageable. Great morning activity to start my day.

In the Moment App (??/5)

Stole this from Emily — how much time do you spend on your phone? Why?

Here’s an easy way to find out. I don’t have an iPhone but wishing I did so I could use this to remind me that life doesn’t happen on my iPhone.

Something I’ve been listening to:

Treehouse — Sofi Tukker (4/5)

So this band is super weird and I love it. Somewhere between electro-house, EDM, and Alt-J. There big hit was recently used in the Apple iPhone X (RED) commercial, which is pretty cool if you haven’t seen it (It’s a car commercial! For a phone! Brilliant!) Great album to rock out to as I’m crushing away on something more mindless (in this case, manual product builds at work this week).

Quote I’ve Been Pondering:

“Il faut cultiver notre jardin. [Translation: We must cultivate our own garden.]” — Candide, Voltaire.



Brendan Coady
Common Notes

Mechanical Designer. Hardware Enthusiast. VFC 2015 Alumni.