6 steps to cure pain, depression and your monkey mind.

Atul Jha
Common Questions.
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2017

Life is not easy as we are always in process of finishing a TODO list. Sometimes we get so much glued to our task and future planning that we totally forget what is happening to us in current.

  1. How are we doing from health {Mental, Physical} front?
  2. How is our relationship {parents/spouse/friends/kids} coming along?

Well u know what… Life will always have problem… But stress or depression is something u choose to either take it or not…

July 2016 was one such period in my life when I was completely lost in depression & was in severe pain.

Over period of time I realized that most of this was created by myself via thoughts, assumption, prejudice, bias & expectations.

As I progressed in the journey of knowing myself, mostly by reading, listening to podcasts, talking to friends, I started becoming more and more aware about what I am consuming {food, information} and its affect on me.

I present to you the 6 change or I call it virtues for my well being :

  1. Consuming more vegetables, less meat
  2. Meditation
  3. Exercise
  4. Reading
  5. Avoiding sugar, alcohol, cigarette and other junk food
  6. Limiting usage of social media

Will this work for everyone?

Honestly, i don’t have an answer.

