
Atul Jha
Common Questions.
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2017

We are part of this society where we inherit division from birth & unfortunate one gets popped out after few months in womb for same.

You are a girl :

  1. Behave well
  2. Wear properly
  3. Talk properly
  4. Don’t talk to boys else we will get you married soon
  5. Do not venture out late at night
  6. Do not drink
  7. Report hour by hour incase you happen to party out with friends

While we are talking about modernization :

  1. Under age girls are sold to rich olds for marriage/pleasure
  2. Girls from poor countries are illegally thrown into prostitution
  3. Feticide is at peak in various states of India so much that the sex ratio has gone for new low
  4. Average age of female actor is 35–40 while male counterpart like Salman is still a super star in 50

For centuries our society has divided us on color, race, religion & sex. Even the holy religious books has different set of rules to follow for man and women.

Women are still treated as child production/breeding machine {some countries, religion}, without any say in family. Asking questions means death & then society and media calls it honor killing {not sure whose honor is getting killed here} .

I consider myself lucky that I grew up in an environment where Grandmama/Mothers/Sisters were pillars of my strength & motivation, I understand not everyone is so lucky.

Why is this division so deep rooted? Who do we have to blame for it?

  1. Our religion
  2. Gurus
  3. Literature
  4. Culture
  5. modern day idiot box
  6. Or each one of us?

Background for this post:

I am half way through Men Without Women: Stories by Haruki Murakami & it made me think & hence this post.

