Jobs & Apple.

Atul Jha
Common Questions.
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2017

Steve Jobs was a visionary & one of the biggest influencer. Apple was built on a different philosophy and these are some of those, which has kept it ticking so far.

  1. Simplicity
  2. Minimalism
  3. Instant decision making instead a committee formation and holding of for months for all party agreement.
  4. Being honest with customers & spending all love/care to customers.
  5. Relating to common masses with simple language instead using buzzwords and confusing them. Ex: When iPod was launched many mp3 players were in market, all Jobs did is to send a message that we have built a device which can store 2000 songs instead 16 gb size and XYZ dimensions and features.
  6. Keeping sharp focus one a product.
  7. Not being fearful of Competitors from early days and needed going head to head with PR campaign. Ex: Mac vs PC advertisements.
  8. It takes a great leader with right set of values and culture to make an organization great. Adding a color from outside via PR or hollow from inside is sure recipe for failure.


