Justice Denied: A Story of Passion, Integrity, and Betrayal

Boris (Bruce) Kriger
7 min readJul 11, 2024
Look at this mold!

I thought I had seen everything in the world and knew that anything could happen, even what never was or will be. But sometimes, there are things that astonish you.

My friend was born with an insatiable curiosity and a restless spirit. From a young age, he showed a remarkable talent for languages and an extraordinary ability to immerse himself in the lives and cultures of others. His curly hair, always slightly unruly, symbolized his untamed spirit and creative soul. He was not just a poet in the literal sense but in the way he approached life — with an artistic sensibility and a deep appreciation for beauty and history.

As a young adult, my friend discovered his passion for ancient manuscripts. While his peers were busy with mundane activities, he would spend hours in the local library, poring over old texts and dreaming of the stories hidden in the margins of forgotten books. His parents, though supportive, could not quite understand his fascination. They hoped he would pursue a more practical career, but he was determined to follow his heart.

In his early twenties, with a small backpack and a heart full of dreams, my friend set out on a journey that would shape the rest of his life. He wandered through the Austrian mountain monasteries in search of unknown manuscripts and found many things that no one believed could be found. His travels took him to remote corners of the world, where he uncovered treasures that had been lost to time.

During these years, my friend honed his skills and learned many languages. He could look at a manuscript and immediately understand that it was from Paris, from the year 1220, and not only understand but explain it too. His knowledge and expertise grew, and he became known among scholars and collectors as a prodigious talent.

One winter, he stumbled upon a small, secluded monastery high in the Austrian Alps. The monks there welcomed him warmly, and he spent several months living among them, studying their vast collection of manuscripts. It was here that he found a beautifully illuminated manuscript, dating back to the 12th century, that would later be known as one of his most significant discoveries. The manuscript contained not only religious texts but also a collection of texts that had been lost to history. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he carefully examined each page, knowing that he had uncovered something truly special.

For his contributions, my friend, a renowned post-doc, was invited to a very large and important library in America, where he began to catalog and date manuscripts and rare books. This library was a place where the world’s knowledge is meticulously preserved. He, restless as he was, soon discovered mold in the library’s storage. But that was just the beginning. He realized that the methods used by the publicly funded library to preserve manuscripts led to enormous damage. He found out that the highly paid-librarians were often incompetent.

Despite his outstanding evaluations and repeated assurances from his supervisor, everything changed after he filed a complaint about the significant misappropriation of public funds and improper storage of manuscripts causing catastrophic damage to irreplaceable and priceless documents. My friend realized that no one else would take action and that it would be shameful to participate even passively in a potentially corrupt scheme unfolding in the library for many years. He requested that his case be recognized as a whistleblower case and to be acknowledged as a victim of harassment in the workplace and whistleblower retaliation.

My friend’s complaints were numerous and detailed. He pointed out that the library lacked proper procedures for regular inspections of rare materials, leading to damage by mold. He also highlighted the failure to store materials properly, resulting in text deterioration. His efforts to address these issues were met with resistance and frustration from his superiors.

In his opposition letter to the court, my friend detailed his grievances and the retaliation he faced. He argued that his termination was retaliatory and a violation of whistleblower protection laws. He cited specific instances where his complaints about waste and mismanagement were dismissed as disruptive behavior. He noted that his expertise in medieval manuscripts was not only disregarded but actively undermined by the library’s management.

He started writing letters to higher authorities, senators, and congressmen, hoping to draw attention to the corruption and incompetence within the library. His persistence only made him more of a target. His colleagues, once friendly and supportive, began to distance themselves. He was labeled a troublemaker, and the environment at work became increasingly hostile.

Determined to fight for justice, my friend represented himself in court. He argued passionately, citing laws and precedents that protected whistleblowers. He detailed the systemic failures he had uncovered and the personal vendetta that led to his dismissal. However, without legal representation, his case was an uphill battle. The library’s legal team was formidable, and they portrayed my friend as a disruptive and insubordinate employee.

In his letter, my friend recounted the moments leading up to his termination. He described a heated exchange with a colleague, where he was accused of behaving “disgustingly” and “strutting like a peacock.” This incident was used against him, despite the underlying issues of mismanagement he was trying to address. He felt isolated and betrayed, his dedication to preserving knowledge turned against him.

The court case dragged on, and my friend faced numerous setbacks. He lost the case with a resounding defeat. His appeals to senators and congressmen fell on deaf ears. They had much more serious matters to deal with, and my friend’s plight was seen as a minor issue in the grand scheme of things.

As you might expect, my friend is now in a terrible state. He was foolish, of course. It would have been better if he continued wandering through the mountain monasteries with his backpack. But he was never one to take the easy path. His passion for manuscripts and his desire to protect the world’s intellectual treasures drove him to take on battles that few would dare.

The stress of the legal battle and the hostility at work took a severe toll on my friend’s health. He was diagnosed with anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, depression, and panic attacks. Despite his requests for reasonable accommodations, such as telework and periods of rest, the library’s response was inadequate. He felt abandoned and unsupported.

My friend’s personal life also suffered. His relationships with friends and family became strained as he devoted all his energy to his fight for justice. He felt a profound sense of isolation, a man standing alone against a vast, uncaring system. His poetry, once a source of solace and expression, became tinged with bitterness and despair.

My friend’s story is a testament to the unseen battles fought by those who dare to speak out against corruption and incompetence. His dedication to preserving the world’s knowledge, his unwavering integrity, and his willingness to stand up for what is right are qualities that should be celebrated. Yet, his experience also highlights the harsh realities faced by whistleblowers.

In the quiet of his study, surrounded by the books he loves, my friend continues his work. He is no longer in the limelight, no longer fighting grand battles. Instead, he dedicates himself to the meticulous study of ancient texts, finding solace in the familiar rhythms of scholarship. He remains a poet at heart, his curly hair now tinged with gray, still untamed and full of dreams.

Looking back on his journey, my friend reflects on the choices he made and the paths he took. He remembers the joy of discovery, the thrill of uncovering hidden treasures, and the satisfaction of knowing that his work has contributed to the preservation of human knowledge. He also remembers the pain of betrayal, the bitterness of injustice, and the loneliness of standing up for what he believed in.

In his writings, my friend often explores the themes of integrity and sacrifice. He writes about the courage it takes to speak out against wrongdoing, even when it comes at great personal cost. He writes about the importance of preserving the past, of ensuring that future generations have access to the knowledge and wisdom of those who came before.

Through his words, my friend hopes to inspire others to pursue their passions, to stand up for what is right, and to never lose sight of the beauty and wonder that can be found in the world. His story is one of resilience and hope, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, one can find meaning and purpose.

My friend’s legacy is not defined by his legal battles or his conflicts with the library. It is defined by his passion for manuscripts, his love for languages, and his unwavering commitment to preserving knowledge. His contributions to the field of manuscriptology are significant, and his discoveries have added to our understanding of history.

In the academic community, my friend is respected and admired. His colleagues recognize his expertise and his dedication. His students, inspired by his teachings and his example, continue the work he started. The manuscripts he uncovered and the knowledge he preserved will continue to be studied and appreciated for generations to come.

As my friend enters a new chapter in his life, he remains committed to his work. He continues to study and write, to share his knowledge with others, and to advocate for the preservation of manuscripts.

My friend’s journey is far from over. He still has many discoveries to make, many stories to tell, and many more lives to touch.



Boris (Bruce) Kriger

Prolific writer, philosopher, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. Founder and director of a number of companies. https://boriskriger.com/