2 Ways to ruin your life

G Brandon Cunningham
Common Sense
Published in
2 min readJun 29, 2014


Believe the world is a bad place and place it safe.

You live in the greatest place on the planet. How do I know that? Because you have access to the world. You can learn, start a business, play and even get a job from where you are right now. The world is full of really great people that will help you. The very small amount of people you hear about that are terrible is equal to a spoonful of sand. That’s right Justin Bieber, Dick Cheney, Vladimir Putin, Charles Manson and every other person you hate or fear doesn’t matter. Stop basing your world view off your parents opinion or the guy on the news. The world needs more people willing to reach out to show kindness.

We also need some people willing to take a chance. Sail to the new world, shoot a rocket into space, open a business or move to Africa. What is the worst that can happen? You hate it and come back. You quit your job for a business idea and it doesn’t work so you go back or get a new job.

The moral to the story is the world is a good place and life is short so play to win and play for you, not someone else’s opinion.

