How YOU Can Make $1 BILLION in Less Than 1 YEAR

The Concise Way You Can Go From Rags to Richest With Little Effort

Dhruv Hegde
Common Truth
4 min readJul 29, 2022



Money is the essence that dictates the entirety of our society. People strive day in and day out, giving up their time, happiness, and mental wellbeing to simply earn enough wrinkled bills to pay their dues. Moreover, whilst we’re striving endlessly to achieve this level of success, many lay around idly, living in luxury from an intense strike of luck. How is this notion fair? How come those who provide so much value get little reward for their work?

That is the presumption around which you, the reader, have revolved for some time. In fact, that thought is precisely the incentive for you to click on this article and read further. That singular thought on how one can go from intense struggle to a live of relaxation holds so much prestige within one’s mind that it leads one to believe they too need to fulfill this abstract dream.

However, this mindset is fallacious. I cannot provide to you the secret to achieving this massive wealth is such a short amount of time, but I hope to provide you with something far more important: wisdom. I’m presuming that when you clicked on this article, only a small portion of you hoped for this to be a secret manual that would bring you immense wealth, for the rest of your brain already knew of the deception I was providing. In fact, Medium, as a platform, has become polluted with various articles similar in caliber to this one.


First, we must address the topic of wealth. Wealth doesn’t define an individual by any means. Though our society is ruled by it and to disregard it is foolish, one shouldn’t possess the singular desire of accumulating wealth. At the end of the day, one could horde massive fortunes in many ways. In fact, the majority of wealth is earned through immoral means, whether it’s through insider trading, exploitation, low compensation, scamming, and many others.

The majority of CEOs or Fortune 500 heads are truly psychopaths, possessing little to no understanding of ethics, which they exploit to obtain such vast quantities of cash. These individuals are antisocial, condescending, narcissistic, and disregard all those around them, revolving around the opinion that they themselves are the sole reason for their wealth.

One shouldn’t aim for that type of mindset, but rather aim to be benevolent to those around you. Branching out, making solid connections, genuinely impressing people, and demonstrating gratitude are but a few ways that you can ameliorate your position.


Secondly, your hope shouldn’t be to earn this vast amount in short time. For the most part, those who accumulate wealth in such a small period of time are more prone to failure due to a lack of knowledge and experience in their field, and a compulsion against saving their money. Wealth earned quickly doesn’t fulfill you, but simply allows you to ignore your conscience for a short period of time before it returns and pushes you back to work.

Content is the true desire that people possess, and though satisfaction is misunderstood, money itself doesn’t provide that satisfaction. One realizes the value of money when they have none, but having a lot means you also lose that wisdom you previously had. Complaisance is a detrimental actuality, and it could quickly latch onto you if you aren’t careful.

Take your time. If you’re true desire is to become the founder of a company or an entrepreneur, pursue that passion endlessly, whilst maintaining some caution. Money is a byproduct to the value you provide and at the end, what one truly wants to do is be a part of something larger than themselves. Giving value to the world in your position is the best way to fulfill yourself, for nothing else truly gives that same feeling. If you have children, you’re providing value, and this is the reason that despite centuries difference, the reaction is still the same in this activity.

Making $1 Billion in a singular year might seem like a favorable outcome, but in all intents and purposes, it might not be an ending you truly desire. Gradually raise yourself and improve on your mindset until the realization hits you.

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