Bridge Fellows: Breaking Barriers Across the U.S.

Common Future
Common Future
Published in
6 min readMar 3, 2020

An initiative designed to bring together southern leaders from organizations that are breaking systemic barriers in their communities and building bridges to increase access, opportunity, and success.

Update: Bridge Fellows have been chosen, we are proud to announcement them as:

Anasa Troutman

Benito Lubazibwa

Cassia Herron

Chauncey Holloman-Pettis

Jillian Hishaw

Julian Miller

Nikishka Iyengar

Salam Rida

Leaders across the United States have already created the systems we need to shift wealth and power to create inclusive local economies. How and when these leaders are identified and supported is key to ensuring their solutions can both sustain and address the immediate and future needs of their communities. Part of supporting these leaders includes both recognizing their needs as individuals to thrive in their established professions, and what resources are needed to fulfill their work’s mission.

To address the needs of these leaders who are changing systems, Common Future will launch a one-time initiative to select 6 to 8 local economy leaders in and around southern mid-sized cities in the United States and their surrounding regions, including Jackson, MS, Baton Rouge, LA, Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN, Little Rock, AR, and Louisville, KY. Common Future will provide capital grants in service of their work building equitable, inclusive local economies. The Common Future Bridge Fellows will come from organizations focused on closing the racial wealth gap through building entrepreneurial support and the health and wealth of their local communities.

How the initiative will provide support

The Common Future Bridge Fellows initiative will support selected Fellows through a combination of in-person immersions and virtual experiences to deepen relationships with the cohort. Specifically, the initiative will include:

  • Two 2–3 day experiential learning convenings held in different regions of the United States where Fellows will learn from site visits and experiences unique to each place.
  • Virtual engagement to reinforce the work, deepen relationships from the convenings, and dive into learnings from the curriculum.
  • Resources to advance each fellow’s leadership development through an Individual Learning Plan.
  • Each Fellow will be awarded between $40,000 to $60,000 as a grant to be used towards advancing their organizational impact, programs, and services.

The process to apply

  1. March 1–April 5, 2020: We will accept applications submitted here until April 5, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
  2. April 13- May 8, 2020: Review of applications and contacting qualified applicants to participate in a virtual interview.
  3. May 15, 2020: We will select and notify the final Fellows by May 15, 2020.

“I see my leadership as agitating the status quo through inquiry, curiosity, and creative solutions.”

— Common Future initiative participant

Past Common Future (formerly BALLE) Local Economy Fellows


What do we look for in an applicant?

Common Future Bridge Fellows are leaders (CEOs, directors, presidents, co-founders, etc.) of community-based nonprofits, social enterprises, entrepreneurial-support organizations, and other entities that are focused on building community wealth ownership among people of color, investing in the physical and economic health of their community, closing the racial wealth gap, and supporting underserved entrepreneurs. We look for leaders of organizations that are small-medium size (less than 50 employees), established, and beyond the startup phase.

Location Eligibility

We will accept applications for Fellows from the southeastern U.S., prioritizing select cities and their surrounding regions, including Jackson, MS, Baton Rouge, LA, Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN, Little Rock, AR, and Louisville, KY. Applicants from across the southeastern U.S. are encouraged to apply if they meet requirements for the work (See “What do we look for in an applicant?“).

Why the southern region of the United States?

Through research, we’ve found a profound lack of investment and focus on the southern region of the United States. The south is a region where communities have been historically underinvested in — it is an area emblematic of the imbalance of wealth and power we experience throughout the U.S. We seek to address this area to shed light on the leaders that are working to change that imbalance in big ways in their own communities.

We expect all Fellows to:

  1. Lead work that is intentionally focused on addressing the root causes of inequality through a systems-approach.
  2. Be intersectional and interdisciplinary in their approach, holding a global interest, openness, curiosity, and commitment to reach beyond their boundaries.
  3. Have strong leadership skills and a strategic mindset.
  4. Have a proven track record and the backing of your community who see you as a bridge builder and fierce collaborator.
  5. Have examples of successful collaborations at the local, regional, or national level.
  6. Have a clear vision and ability to articulate what is possible in the short and long-term.
  7. Demonstrate financial viability with a proven track record of fundraising, financial acumen, and ability to convene and maintain key partnerships.
  8. Have a demonstrated track record, yet still maintain a position to grow and build upon their impact.

Minimum qualifications for applicants:

  1. You are over 18.
  2. You are mid-career.
  3. You have at least three years experience leading local projects that yield results.
  4. You are committed to the time and requirements of the experience (see “Common Future Bridge Fellows Expectations”).
  5. You are proficient in English or can demonstrate a path to proficiency.
  6. You are not a political candidate or official.
  7. You are based in one of the locations listed above.

Who is not a good fit?

Candidates who have been the beneficiaries of other prestigious fellowships and awards (although, we will not disqualify these applicants). We are not seeking fellows who have yet to establish an organization, or who aren’t affiliated with an institution.

Is this a continuation of the BALLE Local Economy Fellowship?

The Common Future Bridge Fellows initiative will source leaders working at the same intersections of local economy work, but with a different experience. They will be considered Common Future Fellows and join our growing network alongside alumni of the Local Economy Fellowship.

Do I need to move if I am selected?

No, Fellows are expected to continue living and working in their community. During the course of the Common Future Bridge Fellows experience, Fellows will travel to two convenings in different locations. Travel costs will be covered by Common Future.

Can previous BALLE Local Economy Fellows apply?

As this is a new pilot, previous fellows are not eligible to apply. However, as natural connectors who advocate for others in their communities, previous fellows are encouraged to recommend other leaders. We expect that Fellows will not be affiliated with current or former Common Future initiatives.

Does the Common Future Bridge Fellows initiative accommodate people with disabilities?

It is important to us that people with disabilities can fully participate in this experience. We will provide reasonable accommodations deemed necessary for qualified candidates and Fellows to participate in the selection process and in the initiative.

Common Future Bridge Fellows Expectations:

What is the time commitment?

The 2020 Common Future Bridge Fellows initiative will run from June 2020 through December 2021. Specific commitments include:

  • Full participation in two 2–3 day convenings in the U.S. (one held on June 23–26, 2020 in the southern U.S. and another held in June 2021 in the northeast).
  • Engaged participation in the majority of monthly learning calls with the cohort throughout the experience.
  • Approximately 1–6 hours each month for additional activities, including sharing insights with the cohort and engaging in peer learning.

What are the core expectations?

We see Fellows as co-creators of the experience, therefore the initiative is designed to meet the specific needs and interests of the 2020 Fellows. Although the curriculum is designed in advance, we welcome Fellows to co-create and facilitate the content. We expect Fellows to participate wholly and fully, and to remain engaged as an alum.

Are Fellows expected to cover the cost of travel?

No, Common Future will award fellows with up to $40K-$60K, which will be used for travel and accommodation to in-person convenings.

What can we expect from gatherings?

We recognize that community leaders are often in the spotlight while needing to meet high expectations and demands, often at the detriment of their mental and physical health. With this initiative, we seek to create a space that prioritizes the presence, health, and wellness of fellows, including content that encourages Fellows to create time for themselves, space centered around joy in the presence of tough conversations, and a village mentality that brings people together in a mutually supportive community.



Common Future is a network of leaders (re)building an economy that includes everyone. Our initiatives shift capital, uplift local leaders, and advise the development of equitable economies. Why? Because capitalism is broken and too many people have been left out. We’re working towards a vision of economies that work for all people. We’ve already shifted $250M+ of philanthropic and investment capital into community investment, and we seek to connect even more wealth-holders and wealth-builders to create lasting wealth in marginalized communities. Visit to learn more.

