Things Are Changing at BALLE.

Common Future
Common Future
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2019

We’re responding to the urgency of now.

Note: BALLE became Common Future in 2019

Gathering of BALLE Network Leaders | Image by Techboogie Media

BALLE was founded in 2001 on a mission to support local business networks in support of an emergent new economy. By 2009, we supported a thriving network of 80 Local First business networks across North America, each helping to grow healthy, local economies.

From the success of this network — and seeking to deepen our commitments — we launched programs supporting leaders in local economies, and funder education for place-based, community, and health foundations seeking to channel capital into community wealth-building efforts.

In recent years, we’ve paused to listen to our Network to understand this time of urgency. Today, with wealth inequality, economic anxiety, and political tensions at record highs, we have asked ourselves:

What is our work?

BALLE has always advocated for power, choice and ownership in all communities. To this end, our focus has shifted over time toward economic inequality, which for us means directly confronting the racial wealth-gap and historic inequities in rural communities.

This principle is the throughline of our eighteen year journey to unite leaders behind a vision of empowered, local communities. As a collective, we are fighting for the economies we want, not just against the economies we have.

In 2019, BALLE is embracing changes that will accelerate an economy that works for everyone.

Capitalism is broken, especially for people of color. At a time where the median wealth of African Americans could be $0 by 2053 (in Boston, it is already $8), we are radically rethinking our work as an intermediary within a network of community practitioners, entrepreneurs, social justice advocates, philanthropists, impact investors, and other leaders who are banding together to strengthen marginalized communities.

Throughout the fall, we’ll be publishing a series leading up to announcements about exciting changes at BALLE.

We imagine a future where people, no matter their race or ethnicity, have the power to live in self-determined communities; owning, transforming and creating economies that best serve their interests.

We imagine a future where BALLE Network Leaders — innovators, entrepreneurs and experts who are closest to communities — have the resources to thrive.

We imagine a future where community-driven ideas have space to confront normative economic ideals that have produced crippling wealth inequality.

We imagine a future where diverse voices, perspectives, and ideas that aren’t always heard are elevated to the mainstream.

The future we seek will be built for all of us, by all of us.

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