Commons Stack + Regen Foundation Partner on Commons Governance Research & Development

Trusted Seed to Steward First Community Staking DAO on Regen Ledger

Commons Stack
Commons Stack
3 min readSep 8, 2021


Commons Stack and Regen Foundation are thrilled to announce a partnership to launch the first ever Community Staking DAO on Regen Ledger, and bring Commons frameworks and polycentric governance research and development to the Regen ecosystem!

Commons Stack and Regen Foundation are thrilled to announce a partnership to launch the first ever Community Staking DAO on Regen Ledger, and bring Commons frameworks and polycentric governance research and development to the Regen ecosystem.

Commons Stack, an organization creating an open source library of research and web3 components for commons-based microeconomies, and Regen Ledger, Regen Foundation’s Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain focused on ecological data and agreements, share many core alignments. Both organizations aim to realign incentives through economic innovation to empower communities working towards shared goals, especially those focused on ecological regeneration and funding public goods.

“While Commons Stack is on the forefront of Commons governance research and development in Web3, the Regen team has the resources, technology and networks to deploy these patterns on its ledger and within the larger Cosmos ecosystem. The partnership will enable inclusive commons-based governance of the Regen Network and set the conditions for a diverse regenerative ecosystem in the larger climate financing ecosystem.”

-Jessica Zartler, Commons Stack Ecosystem Development lead

Regen Network Development successfully launched Regen Ledger in April and aims to bring climate finance to the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) movement. Regen Foundation is acting as steward for 30 percent of the network’s tokens (30 million c-REGEN) which has been set aside for Community Staking DAOs, an innovative model that supports the decentralization of network governance. The Commons Stack community will be the first to take part in the foundation’s enDAOment program, and will support Regen Foundation in creating frameworks to onboard a global network of regenerative communities.

As an extension of the trust shared between the organizations, Commons Stack will issue CSTK, the Trusted Seed’s non-transferrable reputation token, to several Regen Foundation ambassadors. Regen Foundation will grant a pool of c-REGEN tokens, which are non-transferrable interest bearing governance tokens, to the care of the Commons Stack’s Trusted Seed. The Trusted Seed, a curated community of altruistic experts in Token Engineering and web3, will act as stewards of the c-REGEN tokens by voting to allocate accrued interest to fund mission-aligned proposals and participate in governance of the Regen Network. The Trusted Seed will also have an opportunity to support in launching other Commons and their associated tools within the Regen Network ecosystem.

“We couldn’t be more excited to be launching this first Community Staking DAO with Commons Stack. It marks not only a milestone towards decentralization within Regen Network, but also for Proof-of-Stake architecture in general, by distributing governance rights to stakeholders that wouldn’t otherwise have them.”

- Will Szal, President of the Board at Regen Foundation.

In the near future, Regen Foundation will open up applications from other aligned communities interested in developing a community staking DAO and receiving a REGEN enDAOment.

“We believe that systems with robust governance are also more resilient. Commons-based governance perspectives pioneered by the Commons Stack community are quite radical in the crypto/DLT space. We believe that this will help us incubate and “Hatch” more diverse communities of stakeholders as we grow the Regen Foundation enDAOment program. We’d love to have the community members engaged to co-design and be part of these regenerative projects.”

- Revathi Kollegala, Executive Director at Regen Foundation.

The Foundation is seeking communities working on ecological economic innovation for further enDAOment, participating in network governance and stewarding c-REGEN. These can be groups or organizations of open-source developers, scientists, farmers or indigenous communities. The Foundation is especially seeking groups passionate about the Rights of Nature, open and ethical climate data and low-tech governance tools.

To learn more about the enDAOment program, Commons Stack, Regen Foundation and the Community Staking DAO model, join the Regen AMA on Commons Stack’s Discord, next Wednesday, September 15 at 11am EST / 5pm CET

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