Voting Now Open: Commons Stack Community Fund Round 2

Rank the Top 15 Gitcoin Grants with Conviction Voting to Allocate $PAN Matching

Griff Green
Commons Stack
5 min readDec 2, 2020


The Commons Stack has launched another Conviction Voting instance to determine which projects will receive grant funding through the Panvala League & Gitcoin Grants matching program. This was made possible because of the hard work of the Panvala, 1Hive, BlockScience, Aragon, and xDAI communities and several long sleepless nights from @sembrestels.

Last Gitcoin round, our pilot was so successful that we decided to do the exact same thing again! Warning: This blog post may feel like déjà vu.

The Trusted Seed of the Commons Stack — all CSTK token holders — can now use Conviction Voting to rank the most important Gitcoin Grants in the Commons Stack Community. Voting and proposal submissions are now open!

🎉Try it out: 🎉

The voting will close on December 13 at 11pm Berlin time (2pm PST / 11pm CET) and the top 15 projects will be rewarded as detailed in the Commons Stack Community Fund Grant. In short, the higher the ranking, the more funds from our Panvala League Community Fund they will receive, and every grant that is selected in the top 15 grants will receive at least $1000 from this Gitcoin Grant round.


Step 0: Get your hands on some CSTK tokens!

  1. Learn more about the CSTK token in this article.
  2. Contribute time or donate funds to the Commons Stack.
  3. Apply to become a member of the Trusted Seed.
  4. You can check to see if you have CSTK tokens by searching your address on Blockscout or you can add CSTK as a custom token on MetaMask, the address is 0xc4fbE68522ba81a28879763C3eE33e08b13c499E, but it will only show up in MetaMask if you are on the xDAI network.
  5. If you don’t remember what Ethereum address you used in your application to the Trusted Seed, feel free to DM anyone on the Commons Stack team on Telegram and we can check.

Step 1: Set up MetaMask to work on xDAI

0. Pro Tip: click the 3 dots in the corner and use the Expanded View

  1. In MetaMask, click the network drop down (We took this info from this guide)

2. Add these values:

Network Name: xDai


ChainID: 0x64 (100)

Symbol: xDai

Block Explorer URL:

Step 2 (Optional): Add Your Favorite Gitcoin Grants to vote on them!

If you are part of the Trusted Seed and don’t see your favorite Gitcoin Grant up there, ADD IT!

1. Go to and find the “Create Proposal” button, sometimes the words aren’t there and you will only see a circle with a plus sign in it ⊕


2. Put the exact title of the Gitcoin Grant as the title for your new proposal and include the link to the Grant as well. Then click the “Submit” Button!

3. Then confirm the transaction in MetaMask. If MetaMask doesn’t pop up, then you might need to click that cute little fox with a 1 next to it in your list of browser extensions.

Step 3: Vote on your favorite Gitcoin Grants

1. Select the MetaMask Account that holds your CSTK Tokens and switch your network to xDAI

2. Go to and find the “Enable account” button, on some screen sizes the words aren’t there and you will only see a lightning bolt ⚡️

3. Then check out all the great Gitcoin Grants that are coming out of the Commons Stack Community and pick & click your favorite!

4. You will be sent to the proposal screen where you can click the green “Support this Proposal” button and choose what percentage of your tokens you want to stake towards that grant!

Note: Conviction Voting does not require you to transfer CSTK tokens — they remain in your wallet and are non-transferable, they are yours forever :-D

5. Then click “Support Proposal” and confirm the MetaMask transaction that pops up! Then rinse and repeat for your favorite grants!

Remember! It takes time for your voting power to build up. Right after you vote, there will be no change in the total amount of votes that the grant has accumulated, but it is accumulating! After one day your voting power will reach 50% of its max, after two days it will reach 75%, three days, 87.5% and so on.

Help us improve our DAO

This is a pilot and your feedback is VERY welcomed! If you have any ideas on how to make the user experience better, feel invited to make an issue in our Github repo. We promise to shower you with Praise to acknowledge your valuable input!

Find Out More

You can read more about how Conviction Voting was derived and modeled in our original Medium post and in this TL;DR Tweet thread, and on GitHub you can find a more comprehensive explanation of how this came to life through a collaboration with Aragon, 1Hive and BlockScience.

Warm regards,

The Commons Stack

