Commonwealth x Alpha Finance Lab Announce Partnership

Commonwealth Labs
Published in
3 min readAug 31, 2021

As DeFi continues to expand and blossom, the market has become quite saturated, with endless products constantly introduced. Although this has helped introduce more innovative solutions, users are often bombarded with too many choices, coupled with the inconvenience of having to switch between them. That being said, the need for a comprehensive solution to house various decentralized financial product offerings is far more prevalent.

Today, we’re excited to announce a brand new partnership between Common Protocol and Alpha Finance Lab, a project that’s constructing a safe, secure, and innovative ecosystem of DeFi products — each product is specifically designed to provide maximum utility and benefits to its respective users while improving on the shortcomings of pre-existing solutions.

Alpha Finance Lab aims to enhance the DeFi space through research and innovation, transcending outdated financial mechanisms by bringing decentralization to the forefront.

Through this new partnership, Alpha Finance Lab will leverage Common Protocol’s state-of-the-art platform to bring its community and team closer together. They’ll be able to discuss and coordinate proposals for project developments, governance, ideation, and much more, all in a seamless and efficient manner.

Tascha Punyaneramitdee, CEO of Alpha Finance Lab, said:

“We are excited to partner with Commonwealth to leverage the all-in-one platform that will fuel the beginning of Alpha DAO Phase 1. This partnership with Commonwealth will allow Alpha team to closely engage with the Alpha community to vote, discuss, and fund grants all on a single platform, removing the need to jump back and forth between different tools.”

Dillon Chen from Common Protocol said:

“Alpha Finance Lab is building the cornerstone of advanced DeFi products and solutions for the masses. We look forward to collaborating with them moving forward and continuing to provide support via our advanced platform and tools.”

Alpha Finance Lab Overview

Alpha Finance Lab currently consists of several core DeFi products, each serving its own unique purpose and benefit to the overarching ecosystem:

  • Alpha Tokenomics
  • Alpha Homora (Ethereum)
  • Alpha Homora (Binance Smart Chain)
  • Alpha Homora V2
  • AlphaX

Alpha Tokenomics lets $ALPHA holders stake their coins in return for rewards in the form of protocol fees and tokens belonging to newly incubated projects, providing them with a powerful source of passive income. Additionally, users who stake will gain access to special features associated with the protocol’s product ecosystem.

The Alpha Homora products running on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain allow users to leverage their positions within pools in $ETH and $BSC, respectively — this is perfect for users who wish to earn high returns on their tokens via staking or yield farming. The V2 product was the most recent to launch, expanding the ability to leverage various assets across other DeFi protocols such as Uniswap, Curve Finance, Balancer, and SushiSwap.

AlphaX is a non-orderbook perpetual swap trading market that’s completely permissionless and doesn’t require any verification for use. Through the AlphaX intuitive user interface and dashboard, Alpha Homora users can hedge their leveraged yield farming positions while also opening up leveraged positions on supported crypto assets.

In addition to this broad universe of products, the project also has an incubator program called the Alpha Launchpad. It’s designed to help promising startup DeFi projects raise capital and grow organically, maximizing their potential and preparing them for smooth market entry. The launchpad is a key component that directly ties into every aspect of the Alpha Finance Lab world, providing value to community members and the project so everyone can share in the wealth.

Make sure to check out the Alpha Finance forum on Common Protocol here:

To stay up-to-date on everything Alpha Finance, don’t forget to follow them on their social media channels listed below:

