Getting the Most Out of Your Summer Internship

Nina Neale
Comms Planning
Published in
4 min readJul 27, 2017

As a current Communications Planning Intern at BBDO New York, here are some tips I have found helpful in making the most out of my summer internship experience.


Learn and acclimate yourself to the office culture.This could mean dressing down on Fridays, knowing to bring your own reusable water bottle, or that the ping pong table in the cafe is actually for your use.

As a worldwide agency, BBDO’s offices reflect it — your BBDO experience expands beyond the desk you sit at. Once you get into a routine, you probably find that your route to the bathroom, water fountain, and vending machine go unchanged.

Explore the office by deviating from your normal routine. Whether that means taking the “long way” to the bathroom or going to a different water fountain, step away from your desk. By doing so, you increase the chances of coming in contact with someone you otherwise would not, learn about the departments within the company, and gain a clearer sense of whether this is the type of work environment that is best for you.

Regularly meet with your supervisor

Meeting one-on-one with your supervisor is a great time to get feedback, ask questions, and share thoughts.

If your supervisor does not already regularly schedule time to meet with you, you can propose a recurring weekly check-in meeting: “Are you available to meet weekly on [day of the week] at [time] for [# of minutes]? I want to ensure I am getting the most out of this experience and would like to check in with you regularly.

Having a direct supervisor and meeting often throughout the week makes the internship experience more personalized. It is how I’ve received new assignments, gotten feedback on my work, and learned that both my supervisor and I go to Crossfit.

Talk with someone outside your department

Take advantage of being in an office where not everyone is working on the same thing! Even though Accounts, Planners, Creatives, etc. are not always sitting together, you can use post-meeting time as an opportunity to learn about the work others do. Planning requires involvement with multiple departments and this helps to better understand how everything is interconnected.

While at BBDO, I have asked employees in different departments if they are free and willing to chat with me about their work to learn more about what they do. With the guidance of my supervisor, I reached out to the Marketing Science department to schedule time to learn more about their role in advertising. When reaching out, acknowledge they are most likely busy but that you would love to learn more during your limited time as an intern.

Be okay with not knowing everything

If you don’t know, you don’t know. So there is no reason to pretend like you do. The whole purpose of an internship is to learn.

Interns often don’t receive onboarding and so you might experience a steep learning curve. Being honest and open about my knowledge of a topic and asking for clarification has improved the work I produce, as well as helping me to learn more every step of the way.

Speak up if you do know

It can sometimes be intimidating to speak up as an intern. You are not a full-time employee, but you are an important part of the team. Chances are you have had previous experiences or interests which align with topics of discussion. If you have something to contribute, don’t hesitate to do so. It shows initiative and your ability to be attentive.

Coincidentally, Post Malone, an artist I listen to frequently, has a unique and unconventional persona, which has made him a relevant figure based on the brands I have been working with. I have been able to strategically look at his brand and incorporate it into my work. Additionally, letting your supervisor know what you’re passionate about helps them to better structure your internship so you get the most out of it. I love data and polls, so I made this evident to my supervisor during the first week and he has made continuous efforts to incorporate that type of work into my projects.

Be a sponge

Internships are often temporary and usually short. By taking advantage of the time, you can develop skills and expand your interests.

Even if the internship is not exactly what you expected or often find yourself idle, don’t let it impede your ability to learn. Be a sponge by absorbing the information around you to make the most out of the experience. If internship workshops are available, go. If that is not an option, ask if it is possible to shadow a full-time employee for the day if they are open to the idea.


Finally, securing a summer internship can be stressful, but once you’ve made it and that stress is over… have fun! Whether that means making a friend, planning after-work activities, or starting a project of your own.

Advertising is such an interdisciplinary field, which is why I love it. The industry is made up of professionals with varying academic backgrounds, such as economics, art, political science, english, psychology, film, etc. It keep things interesting and I am constantly surrounded by people with diverse perspectives.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at BBDO and am reluctant to acknowledge it is almost over.

