Six Situations Comms Planners Had it Handled

Conflict is a necessary hurdle in any job, and advertising is no exception. With so many different teams and briefs swirling around, getting on the same page (and staying there) can be difficult. But as the bridge between all teams (creative, production, account, media, etc.), Communications Planners should be well versed in how to preempt and resolve bubbling conflict.

Monisha Lewis
Comms Planning
2 min readOct 4, 2016


1. When absolutely nobody knows what Communications Planners actually do (clients, media teams, account teams, your family…)

2. When planners everywhere complain that they’re the last ones brought in the loop with other agencies and internal teams (if at all)…

3. When account team promised a deck weeks ago and are now hounding you about it… but you found out yesterday at 5pm.

4. When media and internal teams get territorial because they don’t understand how to work with Comms Planning…

5. When clients and media teams are still banking on KPIs from the Y2K era…

