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The Work

Mike Connell
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2017


Mike is currently taking on select client work in order to focus on what was previously a side-hustle/creative endeavour. Find out more at Mad Quill Comics/The Mad Quill Mailer.

This includes a web comic (Feral: Tales from the New World), continued work on a larger graphic novel project and, by extension, some deep Kickstarter campaign strategy research.

None of which is to say he isn’t interested in helping with your storytelling. He is just being very selective! If you’d like to talk to him about how you can best tell your story, connect here:


That’s content marketing. We distribute. Activate. Amplify. Influence. Converse. Engage.

So, in addition to content strategy and, sometimes, even writing the amazing content ourselves, Communative delivers the following:

  • Editorial Strategy & Editorial Calendar(s)
    A roadmap designed to help you understand what content you should be creating, in what format, on what channel, when and where.
  • SEO and User Experience (UX) Strategy
    There’s editorial content, and then there’s tactical, user-defined content, designed to not only drive audiences to your online space, but once there you need content designed to streamline a user’s online experience. The goal? Making sure your messaging is accomplishing what it was designed to accomplish, and, perhaps more importantly, that the right people are listening, hearing, resonating with, and responding to the stories we are telling.
  • Influencer Marketing & Influencer Relations
    Identify and engage influencers who can speak to and impact a desired audience by partnering to create amazing stories and ways of telling them.
  • Paid Social & Paid Search
    Pay to play. We can’t rely on virality (yep. a word) or algorithms. Sometimes you have to pay to get the word out there and you need to have a well-crafted strategy to ensure you are spending those media-buying dollars effectively and efficiently.
  • Social Listening
    Paying attention. What are your competitors doing? What are they saying? What are your customers talking about? What about your target market? A good storyteller doesn’t just tell the same story over and over and over. They read the crowd. They listen to what people are saying. They adjust their tone and content based on what’s going on around them. So, we track conversations. We pay attention to phrases, words and brands, and incorporate what we learn into our strategies, tools and tactics in order to discover and take advantage of opportunities and create relevant content for those audiences.
  • Social Growth & Community Management
    Your social channels are constantly in flux. They are growing, shrinking, listening. Audiences are engaging with brands via their social channels so they have to at least be listening. Then they have to know how to respond and keep the conversation going.

Clients include:

Contact us to find out more: (416) 456–4154 or

