Building Business with UX/UI

Chris Vermeren
Moncur's Communi-Creations
3 min readJun 4, 2018

UX/UI: If you’ve worked in the web or app development space for any length of time, I’m sure this is a buzzword that you’ve grown very familiar with. The thing is, though, that you don’t have to work in the tech industry to truly benefit from the concept of putting the user experience first. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that every company across all industries should be leveraging UX/UI in every facet of their business.

I get it, you’re probably thinking: UX/UI is all about making digital experiences as intuitive as possible — what does this have to do with me?

Let’s take a step back and dive into the terms we’re using here. A user isn’t confined to the digital world — he or she is someone who is simply using what’s being sold. And if there’s one thing that every successful company does, it’s sell.

Even businesses that don’t exchange goods and services for cold hard cash are selling. Ideas can be sold too, whether that be a non-profit trying to sell a group of people on the prospect of making a donation, or a start-up trying to sell its investors on the idea of making a strategic acquisition.

So, if we define a user as anyone who consumes a product, service, or idea, you’re going to want to make sure the experience of that consumption is a good one — especially if you’re looking to gain repeat business.

What many people forget, however, is that the experience starts the instant a user becomes aware of your company’s existence. While sometimes you can’t control that first impression (maybe the user received a word-of-mouth recommendation), in most cases, it’s up to you to make that first experience an impressive and memorable one.

Once you’ve got them hooked, the ongoing experience you create will determine whether or not they’ll buy in to what you’re selling. It all comes down to the bottom line, after all.

So, what exactly goes into creating an experience that will keep users coming back for more? Below, I’ve outlined the four foundational principles of UX/UI — and as a bonus, I’ve thrown in the process on how exactly to make the magic happen.

Here at Moncur, we specialize in UX/UI — not only as it applies to digital applications, but as it applies to helping our clients sell more of what they do. To learn more about how we can apply our UX/UI expertise to serve your business needs, contact us today.

Moncur is a branding + digital agency. Leveraging our specialized expertise in strategic messaging, branding, advanced technology website development, and integrated digital marketing, we help large B2B companies brand, market, and sell what they do online. Learn more at



Chris Vermeren
Moncur's Communi-Creations

Define and develop client centered, design forward, online experiences that are functional, feasible and flexible.