Happiness Project: Week 1

Moncur's Communi-Creations
4 min readDec 18, 2017

It may have been a hectic five days in the office, Michigan blizzard and all, but we’re feelin’ the effects of the first week of our Happiness Project.

Every day in our kitchen as we prepare our coffees, there is a little board displaying the happiness task of the day. We’ll explain challenges, one day at a time!

All kindness counts, even in the form of a neon-colored sticky note given as someone passes your desk. On Tuesday, we shared these happy squares in the hopes of making their day a little brighter.

Sharing your thoughts, funny or profound, named or anonymous, was a fun task for us.

Wednesday’s task was what most would consider a necessary evil. This task challenged us to pare down to the bare minimum, the necessities. Trash what’s trash, get rid of old things we thought we might need later — but never did — and the good old “walk of shame” that entails bringing all the coffee mugs back into the kitchen.

Wednesday was one of those “I’m so busy that I’m actually going to melt down into a puddle of stress” days. I just felt so overwhelmed.. and I had a hunch that my desk, which was scattered with piles of papers, a rainbow of sticky notes, and countless coffee cups, was only making matters worse. It really only took five minutes to tidy things up, and those five minutes set me up for an infinitely more productive (and seemingly manageable) day. -Megan Zale, Senior Copywriter

Oh, this one will be no problem…Right? Too often, we forget to treat ourselves, or just plain old don’t have the time. Family, work and the everyday duties of everything keep us moving, with little time to think about a small treat — be it your favorite food, leisure activity, or just quality quiet time.

Today at the office, in honor of Baby Fici’s upcoming arrival, we all treated ourselves to lunch from CK’s — a Moncur favorite. Good food and good company made it a fantastic Thursday.

I showered Thursday which is totally considered treating yourself when you have two teeny-tinies at home. -Michelle Walton, Art Director

Friday arrived, as did our new task — help someone, in any way. This is one of the most one-on-one, personally meaningful things you can do that can brighten someone’s day. Have you ever had the person in front of you at the drive-through pay for your order by the time you roll up? It’s like that, but even sweeter. Taking minutes, or even seconds out of your day to do kind things for family, friends, and strangers brings a level of simple fulfillment that everyone should experience!

Browsing the shelves of Michael’s Friday night, a young lady beside me timidly asked for help finding the items on her complicated list of college supplies, nearly identical to the ones I used in my schooling. Despite being in a not-so-great mood that evening, I spent fifteen minutes with her, finding each product, explaining the differences between them, and crossing them off her list. I set her up with a digital coupon as she headed to the till. Her gratitude was immeasurable, and I left feeling so much happier. -Laynie Perry, Junior Content Designer

With sticky notes, tidy desks, small indulgences, and happy hearts, we prepared for another happiness-filled week of challenges!

Moncur will be documenting our Happiness Project over four weeks. Be sure to follow this story by checking our Communi-Creations publication and/or our Instagram.

