Happy World Emoji Day! 🎉

Moncur's Communi-Creations
3 min readJul 17, 2017

It’s World Emoji Day—and if that doesn’t call for celebration, we don’t know what does. Inspired by the iOS Calendar Emoji (📅) that famously depicts July 17, the pseudo holiday is sure to be a hit across social media.

To get in the World Emoji Day spirit, we asked Team Moncur to share their favorite emojis. You can see their enlightening responses below:


My favorite emoji is the double high-five. It’s just better than thumbs-up or OK.

— Chris Vermeren, Senior Programmer


My favorite and most often used emoji is the see no evil monkey. I use him as an ‘oh no!’ or a ‘whoops-I-messed-up-but-I’m-adorable-and-you-still-love-me’ response to text messages.

Beth Smith, Copywriter


The simply smile is still the best. It is straight to the point. Too many emojis leave me wondering what is that person trying to say.

— Clay Carpenter, Senior Designer


The smirk face emoji is my favorite emoji because I make that face a lot… like on a daily basis. When I send it to my friends it is mainly like “yeah I am down for that!”

Kristen Young, Social Media and Digital Marketing Intern


Whether a coworker sends me the world’s cutest puppy video, or my husband texts me that my 15-bottle case of wine arrived in the mail, the heart eye emoji is my go-to response. It says “love beyond words”... but not in the ooey gooey sense.

Megan Zale, Senior Copywriter


My favorite emoji is the “ok” emoji. This replaces the dismissive “k.” text, with a friendly hand gesture.

Christina Oswald, Digital Marketing Analyst


My favorite emoji? It’s the peace sign. Why? It’s a great way to end a conversation.

Audrey Small, Designer


A severely underrated reaction face. Ridiculous work request? A friend sent you a disgusting YouTube video? The neutral face always gets a solid “lol” out of the other person.

Jamie Delaney, Senior Copywriter


This emoji can have so many different uses. Tentative acquiescence (yeah, I totally want to do that ridiculous task for you)… non-offensive disagreement (eek, we’re not coming to an agreement, but this will have to do)… the list goes on.

— Kim Oermann, Creative Director

Next, we thought it would be fun to do a group analysis of some of the most ambiguous and/or weird emojis out there. Here are some of our favorite responses:

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