It Was All Chocolate, Cheese and Cheers at Our Halloween Happy Hour.

Layne Perry
Moncur's Communi-Creations
5 min readOct 30, 2017

As the end of October nears, the leaves fall, our t-shirts and shorts are put away (only to be taken out again at 3pm) and of course, we celebrate Halloween, be it a little early. This is not only my first month at Moncur, but also my first Happy Hour. This one required ultimate creativity, teamwork, superb execution, cheese, chocolate, and a little alcohol. Kind of like every day.

As part of our Fall Fondue Party, the Moncur office was divided into teams in preparation for the Ultimate Pumpkin Carving Contest. Throughout the preceding weeks, we were to collaborate on a solid idea that would secure a win. The prize? A free team lunch with none other than David Moncur himself.

Before we get into the frantic pumpkin sawing, painting, gluing, propping, and staging, we have to get down to the ooey-gooey. Shout out to Krystal, aka Wonder Woman, who braved the task of gutting all of our pumpkins. For that, we are eternally grateful.

As four o’clock rolled around, our kitchen table displayed a buffet of dip-able snacks, a chocolate fountain, and pots of melted caramel, queso, and cheese fondue. Cheese and chocolate are two of life’s greatest pleasures, and we had the opportunity to stick our faces — er, douse our snacks, in pools of them. Our Happy Hour drink was the most aromatic Hot Buttered Rum. I’m all for the pumpkin-spice craze, but I must say this drink is one for the season.

When I dip, you dip, we dip.

After some pre-carving hype-up rum and snacks, our teams divided with intent to conquer. We were given the hour to execute our pumpkins. Creatively, not in the medieval sense. David, our judge for the evening, made his rounds throughout the process to check up on progress and give us reminders of time. “Five minutes, chefs!”.

Oh my gourd.

At the five o’clock mark, we regrouped in the kitchen for pumpkin presentations and we began with Team A, who led Judge David to… our server closet? This was a full-effect experience. Within the darkened closet, we viewed the lit-from-within carving of the famed Mario himself, complete with theme song that we all know very well. Who isn’t a fan of the Mario Bros? Five invincibility stars!

Team A: Heather K., Krystal, Clay, and Audrey.

Team B was next up for judging. We themed our pumpkin “Moncur Mash” (I’ve had Monster Mash stuck in my head for days. Send help). The process was something you’d only ever see at Moncur. As I sponge-painted our pumpkin green, Jamie quickly fanned the paint dry in an attempt to increase productivity. Meanwhile, four mini gourds were intricately decorated with office tools to be our Frankenstein’s monster comrades. With a titled banner crown and Monster Mash music, we presented our green monster gang.

Team B: Jon, Pamela, Beth, Jamie, and Laynie.

The smaller, but still powerful Team C was next. “This… is the scariest pumpkin you will ever see.” Kelly warned, unveiling their pumpkin. “2% battery!” If you’re from the 21st century, you probably have a smartphone. With this comes the intense stress your tech-addicted body experiences when your phone reaches 2%. As an iPhoner, I could relate. Also categorized under this nightmare theme is “low wifi signal”, “Can we talk?”, and “1 missed call from Mom”.

Team C: Andy, Kelly, and Shelby.

Finally, Team D. This was a hoot. Standing tall with the hair of an office plant, the stem-nosed, bourbon-drinking David Moncur Pumpkin was revealed under the soft shade of an umbrella. Presentation, as we creatives know, is key. What better way to make the judge laugh than to show him in pumpkin form? It was definitely a top contender.

Team D: Kim, Lauren, and Michelle.

David adjourned himself to individually rate each pumpkin based on originality, creativity, and execution. We snacked on more fondue and rum as we waited. After a few minutes, he returned with the highly-anticipate results. Mario came in fourth place, and 2% Battery in third. When it came down to the top two, however, he enacted the popular vote to make the final decision. As close as the pumpkin game was, Moncur Mash came out on top with the most votes, winning team B a group lunch!

With carving scraps on the tables and cheese and chocolate drips all over the kitchen counter, we concluded that this month’s Happy Hour was both savory and spooky. Cheers, and Happy Halloween from all of us at Moncur!

Explore more Moncur Happy Hour happenings on our social media feeds:

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