Promoting Wellness in the Workplace

Kelly Gehart
Moncur's Communi-Creations
6 min readJan 18, 2018

Tis the season! To be sick.

Five years ago, I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Like most people with an “office job” my career path has lead me to being mostly sedentary 10–12 hours a day. Eating healthy? No time for that. Working out? No time for that. Mental health? What’s that? Popping a pill for this and a pill for that. Stomach ache? There’s a pill for that. Tired? There’s a pill for that. Stressed? There’s a pill for that. In pain? There’s a pill for that. You get it.

We all have that list of somethings we wish we weren’t dealing with. Aches and pains, no energy, headaches, tummy aches, etc. For me it was mostly digestive “issues” which lead to fatigue among other things…

I found myself in a doctor’s office being told there wasn’t really anything medically wrong with me but there were pills for my symptoms. Not satisfied with that answer, I was encouraged by a friend to get to the root of my situation by focusing on overall health and wellness activities. I didn’t do it on my own, I found an amazing naturopathic doctor who helped me understand how MY body works and the right supplements and diet to follow to feel better. I also discovered that healthy living didn’t stop there. I added in other actives that supported over all health/wellness in my life and started with small goals, simple changes. (It’s amazing what changes you can feel in your body just by getting enough water!)

I know what it’s like to feel yucky most days, and now, I know how to feel great most days. I want EVERYONE to have the same experience I had in finding natural solutions to what ales him or her. And, since we tend to spend MOST of our time at the office, what better place to start making those little changes than at work? (Plus, it’s easier to be successful when you have team members doing it with you!) One of the amazing things about working at Moncur is that the culture embraces my ideas and efforts to live healthy/naturally.

Below are a few ways we promote wellness at Moncur.

Back to the Essentials

Essential oils, nature’s original “medicine”, have been around for centuries. If you’re using the purest oils properly, they are a non-toxic, harmless way to promote emotional and physical wellness, unlike synthetic and chemical medicines. Since working at Moncur, I’ve become the office oil guru and am known for using the phrase “there’s an oil for that!”

Getting started using essential oils (EOs) at the workplace is really easy and a lot of fun. Here are few ways Moncur uses essential oils around the office.

Using Oils Aromatically

Diffusing is one of the simplest methods for using essential oils aromatically. We have several around the office. Diffusing oils purifies the air, lifts or calms moods and just smells great! It’s a good alternative to lighting candles, which is usually a no no at the office anyway.

Essential oils can also be used aromatically without any special diffusing devices. You can achieve the same health and mood-boosting benefits by simply placing a few drops of EOs in the palm of your hand and cupping it around your nose and breathing deeply.

Moncur recommends:

Topical Applications

Essential oils are immediately absorbed by the skin, and once absorbed, they stay in the applied area for a localized benefit. Apply them where you think you need them to help — neck, temples, stomach, feet, etc.

Moncur recommends:

Internal Uses

A lot of essential oils can also be ingested internally. Just check the bottle first; if it has Supplemental Facts, you’re good to go. Avoid ingesting any oils that do not have that info. At Moncur, we like to add them to our water, put them right under our tongues, or use veggie capsules.

Moncur recommends:

Take Note!

Essential oils are heavily concentrated plant extracts, so a little goes a long way. For instance, one drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea! Even though a single drop might not seem like a lot, a drop or two is plenty.

Oils have worked wonders for me, but don’t just take my word for it, educate yourself! It’s important to make your own health care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider.

If you’re interested in learning more, or picking up a few oils for you or your office, you can get started here.

Stretch It Out, and Breathe

Yoga is more than just a trend. Another age-old practice, it promotes health, boosts immunity, improves flexibility, perfects posture, builds muscle strength and tone, increases blood flow, emphasizes proper breathing, aids in clearer thinking and reduces stress, anxiety and depression.

I had the opportunity at a recent Team Tuesday to walk my co-workers through a few simple yoga-inspired breathing exercises and stretches. Combined with essential oils, yoga can be an office environment game-changer.

Here’s the routine we practiced together:

Fuel Up with Goodness

Ok, so disclaimer: at Moncur, we’re fueled mostly by food and drink. But what agency isn’t?!

If you spend any time at our office, you learn very quickly we have a snack obsession. While we do have everything your heart (tummy) desires, we intentionally display healthier items, such as trail mixes, nuts, and fresh fruit, openly on the kitchen countertops. The rest of the yummies are tucked in the back on shelves where they are a little less accessible but still available if you so desire to indulge. If you’re craving a candy bar, you can still go for it! Who doesn’t once in a while?! But there is something a little convicting about walking PAST the apples and bananas to get there.

Dear snacks, we love you. ❤ Moncur

We also have ANY thing you could ever think of to drink, including water of all kinds, literally: filtered, purified, carbonated, flavored, mineral, hot, cold, room temp… This is important because our bodies are mostly water. Staying hydrated is one of the simplest steps you can take toward wellness. Maintaining and replenishing water levels aids and supports muscle function, joint and brain protection, immune health, digestion, and even mood.

I have to say, being a part of a company that supports these wellness initiatives is definitely a bonus, not only for me, but for each and every employee who participates! I encourage companies of all shapes and sizes, across all industries, to take the Moncur approach to wellness in the workplace.

We spend 8+ hours a day in the office, so why not make it the healthiest and most enjoyable experience we can?

Moncur is a branding + digital agency. Leveraging our specialized expertise in strategic messaging, branding, advanced technology website development and integrated digital marketing, we help large B2B companies brand, market and sell what they do online. Learn more at



Kelly Gehart
Moncur's Communi-Creations

Account Executive. Horse mom. Oil Junkie. GF/DF for life.