We’ve Got Swag, Yes We Do

Moncur's Communi-Creations
1 min readFeb 22, 2018


To encourage team spirit at Moncur, and to strategically promote our brand, our agency has continued to roll out a series of new swag items. We use swag in a lot of ways — to welcome new employees, to send to clients, to celebrate new business partnerships, to use as giveaways at philanthropic and other events we sponsor or attend, etc. But mostly, it’s a fun way to play with and expand our brand. Plus, who doesn’t like free stuff?

Watch our video case study to see all the swag items we’ve created so far and the significance behind our favorite designs…

Moncur is a branding + digital agency. Leveraging our specialized expertise in strategic messaging, branding, advanced technology website development and integrated digital marketing, we help large B2B companies brand, market and sell what they do online. Learn more at www.thinkmoncur.com.

