
Makenzie Keller
Communicating in Business
2 min readSep 22, 2017

Communication skills are some of the most important skills that a person must obtain/develop while working in business. They are often overlooked although they can definitely make or break a lot of important situations. The reason that I wanted to create a blog on this topic is because of how important I think that it is, and because I have experienced situations first-hand that I believe very much relate to this. I think that the way that you interact with others as far as what you say, how you say it and your body language are all things that can have a big impact on business situations such as job interviews, interactions with coworkers, your boss, or employees, business deals, and much more.

I personally believe that communication skills can make a huge difference. They are very important to me not only in business, but in my personal life too. I can’t imagine being the owner of a company and wanting to hire an employee who cannot make eye contact, has rude body language and has an attitude or negative personality. On the other hand, if i was an employer, I would look for an employee who likes to smile and make eye contact while engaging in conversation with me, and is excited about work and life in general. Certain communication skills look more professional and mature than others, and those are the ones that will be helpful to know in a business setting.

Throughout the next two weeks, I will work hard to learn more about communication skills through practice, research, observing, interviews, and first hand experiences. I will add this to my prior knowledge and experiences and continue to learn and document all of my experiences. Through this, I will become better at communicating in a business setting, and hopefully help others to learn some important skills as well.

