Social Media & Modern Communication

Makenzie Keller
Communicating in Business
3 min readSep 25, 2017

Communication is an important part of every person’s everyday life. Although, communication today is a lot different from the ways that people communicated 50 years ago. Whether you’re communicating with your friends, family, professor, or employer, communication has changed a lot. Everything these days is online now: the news, mail, ways to talk with friends and family, homework, etc. People are able to access all of these things any time that they want, anywhere that they want. It is all so quick and easy. For example, employees can send an email or text to their employer or coworker and get a response within minutes.

Because of all of the modern technology, students are also able to easier contact their professors through email, and their peers through text. This is something that has greatly benefit me, as well as my peers, because I am able to discuss homework with classmates over text or Facetime, rather than having to meet up with them. Furthermore, there are many other resources available through technology to also benefit students like me. There is online tutoring, online textbooks/homework, and online submissions. This creates a lot of convenience. This is changing both the social world and the business world.

Since everything is online now, businesses with modern ways of communication and social media sites have a great advantage over those who don’t. They are able to send promotional text messages, offer online ordering and live chatting with employees, send rewards via email, and so much more. This is the kind of stuff that millennials look out for.

In addition, I think that the most important thing of all for businesses is their social media sites. Businesses with a Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat have the greatest advantage of all. This is because they have so many different ways to communicate with potential and recurring customers. For example, scrolling through your Instagram timeline and seeing Starbucks promote their newest fall inspired sweater-weather drink will inspire a lot of people to go out and try the newest thing. The book Writing that Works says “Organizations use social media to connect with their clients, share information about their products, and reach new customers,” (Oliu, 2016).

Another way that social media benefits businesses is through their Twitter pages. Throughout the past couple of years, I have seen countless companies using their Twitters to tweet about and relate their newest promotions to the latest trends. This could mean McDonalds saying their new sauce is “lit,” or Dairy Queen reminding everyone to check out their new blizzard when they’re having the munchies on 4/20. This makes the companies look modern and draws in a lot of attention to them, therefore giving them more business and helping them continue to be successful. Companies without any social media sites are extremely behind and missing out on a lot of free promos.

Book Citation:

Oliu, W. E. (2004). Writing that works: communicating effectively on the job / Walter E Oliu; Charles T Brusaw; Gerald J Alred(12th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St.Martins.

