Why You Should Solve Just ONE Client Need

Joe Fier
Communication & Conversions
2 min readMar 24, 2016

“What’s the ONE thing that this person desires the most?”

That’s a question that I always have in mind when talking with a prospective client, chatting with someone new, or dealing with a difficult person.

If think you think about it, we all have a deep down desire when we are in a specific situation. These desires or motivations change all of the time, but some remain consistent.

For example, when I’m chatting with a new client who’d like us to build out a webinar presentation for them, they have a specific desire in mind. That one thing that will make them feel great about working with us. That thing that will get them referring clients and working with us for years to come.

For some it’s creating the highest converting offer, for some it’s just making them look really good with their brand, and for others, they just want don’t want to deal with the process and keep it simple.

Of course people aren’t just that simple! People usually have a combination of things they want, but at the root of it, there’s ONE thing that is normally on top of their minds. It’s the thing with the most burning desire.

Here are common ones that I experience:

  • Low stress
  • Greater simplicity
  • Looking great
  • Feeling great
  • Making more money
  • Selling something
  • Making an investment back
  • Creating a legacy
  • I want to give back more
  • Finding happiness
  • Getting out of the “doing” of their business

I’ve found that if you can really zero in on this ONE desire and deliver that to your client (or person you’re communicating with), you have just solved the biggest problem. If you look at it with the 80/20 mindset, then you’ve just solved 80% of the issue. Pretty cool!

Thinking about clients, people, projects, or situations in this way greatly simplifies things. It can make a complicated situation or person and get to the core of it all.

If you can master this, then you’ll be able to get into that flow state with clients quickly and you’ll become their best friend (only if you want them to be!)



Joe Fier
Communication & Conversions

Digital marketing experimenter and show & tell artist at EvergreenProfits.com. Podcast co-host of the Hustle and Flowchart Podcast (you’ll laugh & earn more).