Project 1: Effective vs. Ineffective Communication Design

Simrin Guglani
Communication Design Fundamentals F17
2 min readAug 31, 2017


This is a sign that hangs by the enterence of a dining hall on CMU’s campus. The goal of this sign is to detail the hours of operation for the dining hall and to provide contact information. This goal is achieved through an effective, simple design. The design features the logo of the restaurant and states the necessary information. The logo provides assurance as to what the sign is in reference to. It tells the reader that the information is regarding the dining hall. I also appreciate how the font for the restaurant’s hours is larger than the font of the other text. This is an important feature because the hours represent the main reason for the sign.

The sign features a simple color scheme which allows the reader to easily read the necessary information. The text stands out and is placed well on the sign. Overall, this is effective communication design.


This sticker is a good example of ineffective design. The purpose of this sticker is possibly to describe the fuse and warn of the dangers associated with the fuse. The design however does not effectively convey the purpose because it is so conveluted. I don’t know what features of the design to focus on. The size of the fonts varies, the colors vary, the layout veries, and this combination is very confusing to the reader. There is a lot of text which is organized badly and not sectioned effectively. The design of this sticker displays ineffective communication design and is therefore very difficult to understand.

