Type & Hierarchy

Typeface Tracing

Adobe Garamond, Didot, Helvetica & Futura

Typographic Voice

Orator Std

Best & Brightest: The use of all uppercase characters in this typeface restricts it’s range of uses, but it works well for a title, section header, or any other piece of information that should stand out. For the chosen word it makes the letters stand out and have a very bright appearance to the viewer. This is achieved with the large spacing between characters and the strong horizontal and vertical pieces moving the viewers attention out from the center of the word. The consistent height of the horizontal pieces of the B, R, G and H simplifies the appearance for the viewer and gives a sense of stability to the word. The slab serif on the B adds interest to the font while still maintaining a simple and minimalistic appearance, and the similar marks on the I make it seem more fitting in context.

PT Sans Caption

This typeface is sans serif, however it conveys a more delicate look with its use of soft curves in the characters whenever possible. The mirrored shape of the b and g give the word a sense of rhythm. The r and i stand out because of their placement between the two similar letters, so for this word the layout of letters may not be balanced enough in this typeface. A word that started and ended with a b or g would look more deliberate, and less like misplaced emphasis.


This typeface is very decorative and fluid. The ligatures on the g and t bring a sense of levity to the word which I think matches with its meaning. The gap between the b and r are the only characters not connected and thus draw the eye toward that small negative space which emphasizes the presence of the b which would be less distracting if the word was capitalized, because then the emphasis on the b is already perceived as intentional. The consistent thick verticals contrasted with the thin horizontal connecting pieces gives the typeface an interesting look however it does make it more difficult to read. This would be best in a decorative setting.

Myriad Pro

The bold thickness of the font and the wide spacing between the individual characters gives this font a presence on the page which I think would work well for a bold and straightforward setting or a header. It helps the word standout, and makes it’s meaning clear to the viewer.

Prestige Elite Std Bold

This font is light and reminds me of a typewriter. It wouldn’t do well in serious settings, but the curves at the top and bottom of the figure contrasted with the straight vertical pieces gives the word a continuous flowing shape. The bolder dot of the eye creates a center to the word and the many horizontal pieces bring the viewers attention out as if the dot is the center of a light.

Typographic Hierarchy


Typographic Weights

Horisontal shift or Indentation

Typographic weight & Linespacing

Typographic weight & Horizontal shift

Horizontal shift & Linespacing

Size change & Typographic weight

