Project 2

Jiaxuan Li
Communication Design Fundamentals S18
4 min readFeb 4, 2018

Final Design

Print 2018.02.05

About the Project

We conveyed 5 words: Comfort, Order, Tension, Congestion, Playfulness using black squares of any size and orientation.

We started with paper sketches and transitioned into iterations on Illustrator to culminate at our final critique where we presented our work as printouts.

Project Process

Part 1: Sketching

I started out by sketching 5 potential designs for each word we have to convey. In the drawings above each page has 1 version of each of the 5 words. The pen and paper sketching was really fast and allowed me to iterate quickly and get new ideas as I draw.

Part 2: Adobe Illustrator

After sketching, I transferred some of my favorite designs into the digital form in Adobe Illustrator. It was my first time using the program and definitely learned a lot about its built functions likes align and intersect. Since it was easy to duplicate shapes and art boards, I was able to iterate rapidly and compare different designs side to side to see the effects of position and scaling.

Moreover, we had an opportunity to do desk critiques with our professors and received valuable feedback to improve our designs. I was especially stuck on the “Playfulness” design and she helped me to move on to a new concept that ultimately became my final design.

Final Critique

This was my first exposure to critiquing in a design setting. We put our posters up on the whiteboard and used sticky notes to critique designs using the format “I like” or “I wish.”

I enjoyed seeing my classmates design that played with aspects that I did not think of. I especially liked the use of scale to enhance the fluidity of motion and show depth. Moreover, some uses of square overlap in certain situations was also very interesting.

We also analyzed and presented a design each using the Gestalt theories. In the future, I would personally like to use continuity more in my designs and creatively use the boundaries.

Below are the comments I received for my personal designs

