Project 3: Exercises

Exercise One: Typeface Tracing

Cari Hartigan
Communication Design Fundamentals S18
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


Tracings of Typfaces

Exercise Two: Typographic Voice

The font Rockwell Extra Bold highlights the stubborn quality of the word denial. The boldness and the square, chunky serifs give a feeling of squarely standing ones ground in the face of reason.

The typeface Bauhaus 93 has a very distinctive in style which somewhat undermines the meaning of the word. On this canvas, the word appears as a pleasing arrangement of letters in an architectural typeface rather than a meaningful word.

Edwardian Script ITC lends an elegance to the word denial. While this seems counterintuitive at first, the style works because it highlights the artful nature denial of truth to oneself can take. The poor readability of the typeface suggests the difficulty of seeing past denial. This addition of meaning was the most interesting and successful to me out of the five iterations.

Gabriola gives somewhat of a childish impression to the word denial. This typeface also works if one wants to emphasize the childish nature of the word denial.

The fifth iteration of the word denial is in Helvetica. Especially compared to the other more distinctive typefaces, Helvetica successfully accomplishes its goal of adding as little meaning to the word as possible.

Exercise Three: Typographic Hierarchy

1. Linespacing
2. Typographic Weights
3. Horizontal Shift or Indentation
4. Typographic Weight & Linespacing
5. Typographic Weight and Horizontal Shift
6. Horizontal Shift & Linespacing
7. Size Change & Typographic Weight

