Project Five

Nahyung Kim
Communication Design Fundamentals S18
3 min readApr 4, 2018

Content + References

Content: A notebook/booklet type book of coffee and cafes

Introducing how different types of coffee are made with simple illustration (hand sketched / pen tool), and matching each coffee with a cafe that I have been to during my study abroad or back home (The countries are narrowed down to Denmark, U.S., and Korea). I will try to describe the atmosphere of the cafe’s architecture and interior design that goes along with the characteristics of each type of coffee in a short text or bullet points so that it feels like a personal notebook.

SKETCH of basic layout

Design References: I looked at Japanese, Korean, and Scandinavian precedents that have photos of more muted tone and have layouts that have a lot of white space with minimal text. I also found some books that are longer vertically in dimension, feeling more like a booklet rather than a book. I was also suggested to look into Field Notes, especially the Starbucks Roastery Edition which has coffee facts incorporated to the notebook.

Magazine photography and layout (Popeye, Kinfolk)
Vertically longer books and Field Notes Roastery Edition
Illustration precedents
Spilled coffee effect for cover


