Project One

Jiaxuan Li
Communication Design Fundamentals S18
1 min readJan 22, 2018

Identifying Communication Design


Overwatch Gameplay

This is a screenshot of the Overwatch game play from the player’s perspective. I picked this example due to its effective gesture and abilities guide. The icons on the lower right corner is informative but uses minimal characters to only convey crucial information. In addition, it’s transparency draws the player’s attention when searching for instructions while not obstructing the main gameplay view.


On Campus Discussion Poster

This is a poster that is apart of a campus wide publicity campaign to promote the Cognitive Science Advisory Board discussion. Although I found the posters interesting, it took me encounters with these posters to figure out what it was advertising. This poster draws too much attention to the Pareidolia effect for students walking through and the actual event information is lost in too much noise.

